Apr 2020
9:22am, 30 Apr 2020
26,472 posts
Wriggling Snake
Big white goods are problematical, I spent ages yesterday looking, I say just looking, at the filter of the washing machine!
Apr 2020
9:24am, 30 Apr 2020
40,808 posts
Derby Tup
Going for a walk
Apr 2020
9:24am, 30 Apr 2020
49,794 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Veg box man delivered, I appear to have messed up my order as instead of a larger box I have a large and a small box. Better get cooking!
Apr 2020
9:33am, 30 Apr 2020
2,262 posts
Might it be they just had no 'larger' boxes and decided small +large was about the same ?
Apr 2020
9:35am, 30 Apr 2020
17,480 posts
I broke the hoover and a new barrel arrived yesterday. It’s so *clean*
Apr 2020
9:36am, 30 Apr 2020
49,796 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Nope, um, their IT system is a bit naff so I should have checked that I actually cancelled the smaller box. I’m forecasting a lot of minestrone soup this week
Apr 2020
9:47am, 30 Apr 2020
2,263 posts
Boil it, blend it, serve 'beige soup'
Apr 2020
9:50am, 30 Apr 2020
49,797 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
I think it would be brown soup, not appetising! Washing machine has been noisy ever since my chap installed the shower behind it and had to pull it out, is there any way to adjust feet or something on it? It’s driving me nuts and everything falls off it!
Apr 2020
9:50am, 30 Apr 2020
63,106 posts
Bix Beiderbecke - jaunty jazz that always cheers.
Apr 2020
9:56am, 30 Apr 2020
2,264 posts
Washing machine feet are typically screwable - to allow levelling. (work out which one you want to change, then get soemone to tilt the machine a bit so the weight is off that leg while screwing)
Or of it rocks, unscrew that leg till it doesn't.
Failing that beermats (if you have any) or any other cardboard/folded paper to adjust?
Got a spirit level to check level? If not, a marble?