May 2019
9:51am, 24 May 2019
8,191 posts
Thanks for that Dio - really made me smile 😊
Our first boxer could swipe everything from our kitchen counters and we had to routinely clear them before we went out. He also upended the mattress from our bed and chewed a big hole in the base. And ripped up my (already worn) wedding dress.
Our current boxer has been an angel in comparison.
May 2019
12:18pm, 24 May 2019
46,329 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
On a bus, app was lying about the due times which was annoying
May 2019
12:21pm, 24 May 2019
41,713 posts
Slightly overripe honeydew melon.
May 2019
12:28pm, 24 May 2019
46,330 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
Bus is also slow for no apparent reason so I’ll just miss a train and the next one is shit. I should have left earlier I suppose. I did put out laundry, clean the kitchen, mow the lawn, sow grass seed and water all the pots though so it was a useful morning.
May 2019
12:53pm, 24 May 2019
26,756 posts
Eventually heard back from neighbour that all seems well back at home. Son1 going round after work this evening to check.
Burglar alarm should really be called 'owner alarm'. It's never gone off 'for real' but has now gone off on several occasions because it thinks it's been tampered with. The alarm company's insouciance when I complain also causes 'owner irritation '. Not to mention annoying the neighbours
May 2019
1:06pm, 24 May 2019
46,331 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
That does sound very annoying for the neighbours.
Weybridge. On the crap train. Talking about annoying neighbours the chaps nearby are super annoying.
May 2019
1:14pm, 24 May 2019
6,598 posts
I need to buy milk on the way home. Also possibly potatoes. (And chocolate.)
May 2019
1:18pm, 24 May 2019
54,770 posts
Warm cake + cream for pudding.
May 2019
2:19pm, 24 May 2019
6,600 posts
Coffee. I paid for it with loyalty points, so it was free.
May 2019
3:48pm, 24 May 2019
2,559 posts
Didn't gip to the lake, might first thing in the morning instead.
Have lain in the hammock drinking kriek though, and done much knitting. Nice restful day off :D