Jul 2020
10:13am, 2 Jul 2020
6,648 posts
SarahWoo, I'd suggest you go for a climber rather than a rambler. The difference is in how they flower: a rambler has its flowers all at once, a climber repeats over a long time. I bought both when we had our garden done a few years ago and if I'd known then what I know now I'd not have had the rambler. The climber flowers from April through to November.
Jul 2020
10:19am, 2 Jul 2020
6,134 posts
Eynsham Red
Super RH. We tried cauliflowers once but they never really developed a proper curd.
Jul 2020
10:20am, 2 Jul 2020
11,714 posts
Oh OK! Didn't know that, SK - thank you
Jul 2020
10:58am, 2 Jul 2020
11,738 posts
I agree with sk in principle but some ramblers do flower more than once and most have much stronger fragrances, which is why I would suggest more than one plant!
I'm so impressed with the cauliflower, I've never managed to grow one, well done.
Jul 2020
11:47am, 2 Jul 2020
10,499 posts
When I tried cauliflower, it just bolted.
Aren't you supposed to wrap the leaves around the head?
Jul 2020
5:09pm, 2 Jul 2020
16,905 posts
yes, I think you are supposed to and now I've spotted the heads forming I have done - It was a bit of a surprise that they were there already
Jul 2020
5:40pm, 2 Jul 2020
6,276 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
That’s 1.5kg whitecurrants picked and de-stalked, all from one bush. Thankfully I only have one bush! But I do have redcurrants yet to ripen.
Jul 2020
6:27pm, 2 Jul 2020
19,959 posts
I've never even tried to grow cauliflower.
Thank you folks, - I think Jacdaw has nailed it, spirea japonica. I have a spirea, but it's the sort with white flowers in May (bridal wreath), much smaller leaves than the one I've been trying to identify.
Never grown whitecurrants either. What do they taste like? I seem to have a good crop of blackcurrants, which I must pick in the next few days.
Jul 2020
6:40pm, 2 Jul 2020
6,278 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I prefer white and red currants to black currants, they are not as sharp.
Jul 2020
7:16pm, 2 Jul 2020
1,735 posts
That's heresy, not liking blackcurrants! My blackcurrants were about a week early this year, so I picked them about 2 weeks ago but it was actually a small crop, only enough for 9 pots of jam . I have been out again today and picked the last few but they will enough for only 1 or 2 pots of jam.
I lifted some early potatoes this afternoon. These were the ones which were frosted in late May, but they really didn't grow back as much as I hoped. The crop was extremely poor - 3 plants gave me only enough potatoes for one person. When digging them up, the ground was very dry, even deep down, despite the moderate amount of rain last month. It looks like it is going to be a bad year for potatoes for me because the potatoes which were unaffected by the frost haven't got as much top growth as usual.