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Moraghan Training - Stevie G - RW thread

21 watchers
7 Mar
6:35pm, 7 Mar 2025
242 posts
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Decent day of bits and bobs there reggie.

Did 20 x 400 last night in the end..on the slopey triangle.
7 Mar
6:55pm, 7 Mar 2025
135 posts
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SC - good run out at LFOTM. Nice repping too!

Reg - it certainly seems to be doing the job; I'm considering a big red reset button tattoo. Nice work on the 1 man pit crew! And I totally agree. Lack of time always hones your organisational skills. I done my biggest volume training when my kids were young.

SQ - quicker than expected is always a good sign, especially if you're feeling tired.

Been aiming at regular training with nothing fancy this week. 4 runs so far for 21m, plus 2 weights sessions.

In the process of getting a review of my heart meds as one of them has been burning off fat, and I've not got much of that to lose, which is part of the reason for the more regular running at the moment.

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About This Thread

Maintained by stevieg
Hi there - this thread started in 2010 over on RW and started as an improvement thread for myself under Moraghan's coaching, through to more of a general collaboration tool and place to share training and long winded race reports.

Thanks to the fetch community for allowing us to move over, and we'd welcome loads of new contributors adding to the thread, as we were definitely running on empty with a small bunch of posters near the end!
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