Jan 2023
8:23pm, 15 Jan 2023
9,094 posts
The Terminator
Sounds like a productive, nourishing morning H? How has the rest of the day been?
Excellent all round HP. Here's hoping all the lessons learnt from the relationship can be used positively x
How am I? The depression hasn't been so bad, functioning OK. Each activity takes more out of me than I'd like but it is what it is. My anxiety has been high today though. Is my first anniversary of being sober/straight and I've also improved my diet again (a constant battle) over the last few weeks and I just realised this last year is the first time I haven't been using an addiction to cope since my mid teens, this includes running, and that it is a huge contributor to my lessened resilience and, along with my spiritual practice, heightened awareness of my feelings. I'm happy with my life decisions in terms of these addictions but feel very vunerable. Also I am going to be a father again in June which I'm very excited for, and I'm really happy in my relationship, but considering this time last year I was thinking of becoming a monk, that my current youngest child is 18, and my partner only five years older than my eldest child, it is another contributor towards my feelings of vulnerability. Luckily my partner is very understanding and supportive. Life's a balance. Life is beautiful.
Thanks for asking x
Jan 2023
9:25pm, 15 Jan 2023
47,060 posts
Theres a lot in that post. Wishing you well in your continued journey forward TT.
Jan 2023
9:02am, 16 Jan 2023
45,264 posts
Wow, congrats on new baby TT. Wishing you all the best. G
Jan 2023
9:50am, 16 Jan 2023
38,945 posts
It’s an interesting observation about addictions for coping TT. I went on training around self harm a few years back and realised that I spent much of my teens and early 20s using ‘self defeating’ behaviours as coping strategies. Binge eating, binge drinking, general risk taking.
Jan 2023
10:11am, 16 Jan 2023
9,095 posts
The Terminator
Thanks guys x
Yes I think a lot of people do HP. Running was the best coping strategy so I must focus on getting out for a walk every day.
How are your hearts in this moment?
Jan 2023
3:20pm, 16 Jan 2023
98,026 posts
Slightly overwhelmed... But acknowledging that gets me halfway to "un-whelm" myself.
There is a lot going on TT. I admire the way you handle it all. Hugs xx
I too recognise certain coping strategies. I am great at self-sabotage! Talking myself into being clumsy, stupid, incapable etc This is the remnant of my mother undermining me as a person for 53 years. Since her death in 2018, I have been chiselling away at it but I am not quite there yet...
I am going to enjoy an hour of gardening in the sunshine. Great therapy and I will get potatoes
Jan 2023
6:17pm, 16 Jan 2023
38,950 posts
Struggled to get out of bed this morning but was OK once I got going. Good climbing session which is a good barometer.
Jan 2023
4:49pm, 18 Jan 2023
9,100 posts
The Terminator
Hello my friends, how are we all doing today? Is cold and snowy in this part of the world. I'm still feeling very fragile and my doctor has referred me to both Cruse and Mind to go alongside my homeopathic therapist. They want a multi agency approach. We will see. I have just been looking at CBT, any of you tried that? I listened to a good podcast from Plum Village the other day on habits and it resonates with that. One thing I do have a habit of doing is removing myself from, or avoiding, social situations and telling myself that it is ok as is just who I am. This morning we had a house full of family so I disappeared upstairs and I could hear my partner explaining that I like space to read. I had to really force myself but I did go back downstairs with everyone and though I had my book as a crutch I didn't feel too bad. I'm not saying I am no longer socially anxious of course but I am proud of myself for identifying a habit I may be able to change and taking a step towards that and that for me was a positive step. I am shattered and hiding now though 🤣
Jan 2023
5:15pm, 18 Jan 2023
98,169 posts
Exhausting, isn't it? But great you managed to break your pattern.
Jan 2023
9:41pm, 18 Jan 2023
4,550 posts
I did an online course of cbt and I read a couple of books too. It’s an ongoing thing retraining your brain and behaviour.