Mental health support thread.

39 watchers
Jan 2022
9:26am, 23 Jan 2022
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Thanks for checking in TT. Sorry it feels so tough right now. One day at a time.

Really anxious again today. About to meet friends to do a bike ride. I feel exhausted already but I know I’ll feel better for the ride and the company.
Jan 2022
9:49am, 23 Jan 2022
4,190 posts
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Hann good to hear there was some work they could do in the meantime.

Sorry to hear people having dental issues, as the wife of a dentist it's pretty bad the other side of the coin too. Lots of very stressed dentists and doctors and nurses out there right now.

I've been good the last few days, one very brief spell of heart racing anexity. Went out for my first solo run for more than 3 months today, which I'm really pleased about.

Well done on powering on HP.

Fields I hope the lump is nothing serious.

Hope the 250 went well Andy.

South Coast Pete how has your weekend been?

TT sorry everything has been so tough.
Jan 2022
10:29am, 23 Jan 2022
84,681 posts
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I am sooooo glad I dragged myself out for that walk yesterday! I feel so much better today. Had a proper night's sleep, at normal times, i.e. 11 pm - 7.30 am.
Today is very gloomy. We are enveloped in an icy fog but I am on the sofa, under my blanket, cat on lap, coffee, croissants, music and my SAD light.
Going through my stacks of books, cds, magazines to get rid, move into new building or shelve in the chapel has made me find a couple of Dutch magazines from my 2020 visit to my sister. Very cosy!
Sorting out my house and building at last, I have been crammed into it with all the stuff from my parents house since 2018, when mum died, feels like suddenly stagnation and stuffiness is over! Energy and light and air can flow again.
Jan 2022
10:32am, 23 Jan 2022
84,682 posts
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Terminator: one step, one day at a time... Focus on the here and now and breathe.
Maybe go for a walking meditation. That can literally be one step. One step. One step. Up and down a small lawn or path nearby.
I often just shuffle in and out of my herb labyrinth. Barefoot, if not too cold. Feel the Earth's heart beat under your feet. Much love 💚
Jan 2022
11:06am, 23 Jan 2022
84,688 posts
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Blogged... With photos ☺️
Jan 2022
11:07am, 23 Jan 2022
84,689 posts
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I find blogging really helps as well...
Jan 2022
11:25am, 23 Jan 2022
2,130 posts
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Thanks Hanneke, may take you up on that offer one day :-)

I find blogging quite helpful too. Even if it’s about nothing that interesting - which it usually is - I value the time spent composing my words.

When I was able to run that was very good at clearing my mind, and solving life’s little problems too. Off out for my walk in a moment.
Jan 2022
4:42pm, 23 Jan 2022
265 posts
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Benny Turbo
I've been having an imaginary argument with my stepmother today and I've managed to convince myself that I've really offended someone else, despite having no evidence...

Blogging sounds like a great way to manage mental health (although I'm sure none of you would like to be subjected to the contents of my mind! 🤣)
Jan 2022
4:44pm, 23 Jan 2022
84,756 posts
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I find the content of peoples minds fascinating Benny! But... I don't write for others, I write for myself! Often just writing things down grounds me.
Jan 2022
5:07pm, 23 Jan 2022
2,136 posts
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I had a really good walk today. Thanks for the inspiration And I agree, writing stuff does ground us :-)

I know I’m not very good at leaving the house during the week so I think I’ll keep up the walks. I really enjoyed getting outside and interacting with the world - and lots of dogs. I also got a notice through the door about a public meeting on Tuesday about a development they’re trying to stop so will go to that. Again it’s a good way for me to get out of the house and maybe get to know a few folk.

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Maintained by MaT.T
Share, connect, talk, listen, advise. Just don't struggle alone.

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