Dec 2023
3:42pm, 3 Dec 2023
2,484 posts
30 minutes run-walk today. I'm counting it. Fucking hard to get out there today! Ice, cold, etc.
Dec 2023
4:01pm, 3 Dec 2023
26,140 posts
Mine was more walk than run but we'd had a good downfall of snow and the lane was tricky to run on.
Dec 2023
4:36pm, 3 Dec 2023
2,485 posts
I mean... I know the value of it being in December and it being motivation to get out there when the weather is shit. But oh my god! I really didn't want it today. The road outside was too icy to run. I didn't want to drive on it even though it was fine for driving. What if the forest paths were just as bad? It's cold. It's fucking sleeting/snowing/rain that is freezing as it hits the ground. It'll be dark in 5 minutes and I haven't walked the dogs yet either... etc etc etc.
Luckily I have a Slowboy who drove me to the woods and walked the dogs while I ran, on paths that were actually fine.
And my Marcothon lives.
Dec 2023
3:02pm, 4 Dec 2023
2,488 posts
It's not looking good for today.
Got a mini ice age around the croft, even running laps of the field would be dicey. I thought it'd be ok but just went to look and its a no for that idea. The only hope I have is driving to the beach once Slow has finished with work. But there's a chance that roads won't be OK, although a gritter went past and there's been some traffic through the day.
It's weird because the temperature stayed above freezing overnight but we woke up this morning to a glacier. Worse... temps going back to very much sub-zero tonight and tomorrow night.
I said not looking good for today. But we can include tomorrow and Wednesday in that too.
Dec 2023
3:20pm, 4 Dec 2023
3,165 posts
Not loving the idea of getting out here either - a day of constant rain onto the weekend snowfall is going to result, at best, in some cold and wet feet.
Dec 2023
4:24pm, 4 Dec 2023
7,267 posts
Had a pretty dicey run earlier, resorted to a bit of back and forth on one safe section and had a few close calls. Guess that means I’m in, only a fool doing marcothon would have run in that…
Dec 2023
4:55pm, 4 Dec 2023
26,147 posts
I’m out. We’re not at home and the puddles are too big to avoid. We have brought limited stuff with us and I don’t relish having to wear sopping wet shoes again tomorrow.
Dec 2023
4:58pm, 4 Dec 2023
15,081 posts
57.5 Days of Xmas
My weather conditions are not quite as bad as Roo's, but similar. However I made it to work and will now wobble my way home. Anticipate running every day of the month but weather or a dose of CBA might get in the way.
Dec 2023
5:02pm, 4 Dec 2023
10,570 posts
I'm in, day 4 done with an easy 8km. Weather here (west Wales) doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as the rest of the UK. Good luck on getting out.
Dec 2023
5:02pm, 4 Dec 2023
5,413 posts
I’m on a run streak again at the moment and so far I’ve done what this needs so might as well keep going.