May 2020
8:13pm, 17 May 2020
3,305 posts
I'm still in touch with firestarter who was active here in the early days. He's still chairman of his running club and still a top bloke. Had injury problems that stopped him running for a long time but is back running now albeit socially rather than competitively.
May 2020
8:14pm, 17 May 2020
33,790 posts
Is click on your profile pick
Brings you to your about you Click on address at top and it will tell you
I've done this on my phone
May 2020
8:32pm, 17 May 2020
14,620 posts
Wow, this is a nostalgia thread. Thanks to SB for pointing it out to me. So many old faces, grown older and not grown up.
May 2020
8:34pm, 17 May 2020
30,067 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Hey! Ted, how the devil are you?
May 2020
8:34pm, 17 May 2020
14,639 posts
What a lovely thread! I got lost after having a battle to conceive, then having 4 pregnancies and 3 babies. Youngest is now 18 months, middle 6yo and eldest 8, almost 9 yo: boy, girl, boy. What with lockdown and home school, these days I rarely get a second to myself! I stumble around a parkrun every so often, mostly with the kids but my running days are really on pause until littlest is at school. Happiest I've ever been, living in the Lake District and with my lovely family. Fetch saved me throughout a period of uncertainty and transition in my life and I made so many friends from here. I culled my Facebook list drastically in a moment of hormonal and emotional distress after the birth of one of the kids! Lovely to hear updates from you all x
May 2020
8:36pm, 17 May 2020
36,272 posts
Hi SarahL. Glad you're well and life is being good to you.
And hi Ted! Nice to see you here as well as educating me on that Twitter thingy.
May 2020
8:37pm, 17 May 2020
14,640 posts
10,789 and I don't understand the badge thing! It's all changed in 9 years I've been absent!
May 2020
8:38pm, 17 May 2020
4,372 posts
trumpton riots
So many lovely, lovely people here today:-)
May 2020
8:38pm, 17 May 2020
880 posts
What a blast from the.....I think I'm 3549 from about 2006 - can't quite believe that....Fetch was a very important part of the day to me, back in the day. Running was super, super important to me and kept me sane. Saw me through a broken marriage and just gave me lots of advice about something I knew nothing about - running! Now I try and drag my old body out and about. I creak and ache a lot. Still know nothing and still (sort-of) love running.
May 2020
8:39pm, 17 May 2020
9,902 posts
The badge thing is just that you get them for doing stuff (like running x miles on a run or in a month etc).
Nice to see all the people I used to see posting back when I joined (and I was far too scared to at the time!).