May 2020
9:27pm, 17 May 2020
16,647 posts
Hey Traz, am good thanks Can I find you on Facebook? Hope you're still local and we can catch up when we're allowed out to play again x
May 2020
9:28pm, 17 May 2020
10,191 posts
Phoenix Lesley how are you!!!
I was told about fetch by a friend (Goffino) who is now a lost fetchie he wasn’t that active on the threads but I am forever grateful I found you guys. Been her 13 years this year.
May 2020
9:31pm, 17 May 2020
23,084 posts
Aw SteadyEdina. I was working the day of her funeral and couldn’t get a swap. Loved doing her 100th parkrun with her. A fabulous lady.
For those with an absence of around 4 yrs or more I used to be Sioux and changed to Sushi for a long winded reason that there’s a blog about. (somewhere)
May 2020
9:43pm, 17 May 2020
11,242 posts
Oh hello Sioux/Sushi! I didn’t realise it was you. Waves at Phoenix Lesley too x
May 2020
9:44pm, 17 May 2020
15,536 posts
So many familiar names from back in the day. Making me feel old!
May 2020
9:46pm, 17 May 2020
1,236 posts
Dave W
And me..
But then again, I am now.
May 2020
9:46pm, 17 May 2020
10,352 posts
Hello all!!! Definitely I am cleaning some cobwebs from my memory to remember you all!! Very nice to see al these people back
May 2020
9:50pm, 17 May 2020
3,019 posts
Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Waves at SarahL - I cant believe your ‘baby’ is almost 9 yo. I remember our days at Bedfont and you running London as a ginger bread
May 2020
9:55pm, 17 May 2020
48,771 posts
Hello Contro
May 2020
10:00pm, 17 May 2020
10,353 posts
can't claim to have been far away from fetch