London Marathon 2019

27 watchers
Apr 2019
12:10pm, 10 Apr 2019
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I don't know what to advise my family to do, do they come to the start or should I just make my own way and they head to some where on the course? Advise appreciated.
Apr 2019
12:12pm, 10 Apr 2019
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Depends how adventurous they are with tube travel! London is brilliant for dotting about all over the course (because of the way it winds out and back) but not if they are nervous with crowds or finding their way about. Plenty time to get from Greenwich after you start, to Tower Bridge to see you twice and to the finish area. All very busy though, obviously! Good luck. :-) G
Apr 2019
12:18pm, 10 Apr 2019
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Thanks HappyG, I think I will encourage them to come to the start. As you say they will have time to get elsewhere on the course.

I heard a bit of advise; for my spectators to be on the left hand side (apparently less busy (?) and it means you only ever have to look on one side).
Apr 2019
12:21pm, 10 Apr 2019
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Fizz :-)
I'm not sure if the left is less busy, but agreeing a "side" is good advice.
Apr 2019
12:24pm, 10 Apr 2019
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I leave my family having a lie in, leisurely breakfast then see them at Tower Bridge. They wont get into start area or see you, so not worth it is my view
Apr 2019
12:24pm, 10 Apr 2019
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The only issue with them coming to the start is that you will probably want to go through into the runners only bit maybe 45-1h minimum before the race starts anyway . So they will not be able to see you in that final bit anyway.

Its obviously quite hard to spot people at start (although possible) given how dense the crowds are at that point.

Its a personal thing but I have always been happy them not coming to the start and getting themselves to a vantage point later.
Apr 2019
12:29pm, 10 Apr 2019
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There is no left side for the whole of embankment between 13 miles and 14 and 22-23 (cos you run on one half of the road, right. And left his therefore barriers up the middle! You can see the left but it's a long way away!. You go out on east on south side and return west on the north side.) Clear?!

There's a long wait at start as Keith says, but it's quite a fun atmosphere, if weather is fine. Hot air balloons etc. :-)G
Apr 2019
12:32pm, 10 Apr 2019
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I know roughly where my family will be as they do the same every year. left hand side just as you come off Tower Bridge and before you turn right.

My Dad is bonkers and will be there about 9am to get his spot and my Mum gets dragged there. My wife and kids will then pitch up and squeeze in Then on the right hand side just past mile 23.
Apr 2019
1:04pm, 10 Apr 2019
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Little Miss Happy
Are you using public transport to get to the start Pete? If so I'd leave the family wherever you are staying, as Keith says you'll have to disappear and leave them long before the off anyway. Are you running for a charity? If so the charity cheer points could be a good place for them to aim for and for you to spot them easily.
Apr 2019
2:54pm, 10 Apr 2019
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Once you know approximately where they are going to be and they shout loud enough you should notice them. Problems will happen with spotting loved ones supporting you though if you have your name on your top, or someone with a similar name is running beside you. It's great and everything having people shout your name, but I think it's actually a negative thing motivation wise in a big city marathon as you know that nobody actually knows you, and hearing the people who do know you will be impossible over the general shouts.

Also, which side of the road to be on might be different depending on where they are planning on getting to next after you run by. Access to and from DLR, Greenwich Foot Tunnel and underground stations will be vastly different from one side of the road to another at different points. eg at mile 6 the crowd will be 10 deep, and crossing the road will take 20 minutes, but if you are spectating at mile 7 you'll have a clear view and by taking back alleyways can use the foot tunnel to get to mile 17 in just a couple of minutes...or you fight your way through the crowds to get squashed down another alleyway and squeeze onto a DLR that will take longer to get to another just as crowded spot around mile 18/19.

Lots of different viewing options, but walking a mile down the road will often provide a much better view than wherever you first get off the DLR/ Underground.

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