Jun 2012
2:38pm, 18 Jun 2012
60,747 posts
Great minds, Spouter
Jun 2012
2:39pm, 18 Jun 2012
16,917 posts
Question Of Lust innit
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up
Crumble to dust
It is all of these things and more
That keep us together
Jun 2012
2:39pm, 18 Jun 2012
2,938 posts
Not *that* great in my case, obviously
Jun 2012
3:12pm, 18 Jun 2012
4,488 posts
"Either one is right or the other is". Er...no. In all likelihood they're probably both a bit inaccurate but use different processes to analyse the data in differently wrong ways.
FWIW my Fetch upload, direct from my Garmin 610, does sometimes differ from the source, especially in relation to the pace calculation.
Jun 2012
3:38pm, 18 Jun 2012
60,760 posts
Be that as it may, Glenn, one can't duck the nagging suspicion that strava is Just A Bit Wrong.
Jun 2012
4:35pm, 18 Jun 2012
4,492 posts
Oh, don't get me wrong, it's probably a pile of festering possum droppings. I'm slightly puzzled as to why anyone is using it.
Jun 2012
4:51pm, 18 Jun 2012
60,762 posts
It has a sort of Conquercise-ey thing which is quite snazzy. One defines 'lumps of road' ('segments' in STRAVA-speak) which one can 'race' against other users.
Jun 2012
5:58pm, 18 Jun 2012
21,577 posts
So it IS just a pissing contest for those amongst us needing to assert some trivial superiority over others in a public way to bolster their flagging self-worth but who don't post on Smell.
I shan't be waving my willy on strava any time soon.
Jun 2012
6:59pm, 18 Jun 2012
60,766 posts
Basically yes, Nell. Both paragraphs.
Jun 2012
9:41pm, 18 Jun 2012
16,944 posts
There used to be talk of differing GPS stats comparing the Garminunit, the old Garmin training centre, Sporttracks, Runfriedonionsonsaturday and Fetch.
All will take the gpx data produced, but all will translate it in different ways. So if you run for a mile one device/training software may take the data from the gpx every 3 seconds, the other 5 seconds, the other 10 seconds, or it may take the data by distance - every 5 metres, every 10 metres, every 50 metres etc.... The gamin unit itself will also only poll the satellites every few seconds and isn't in permanent contact. This basically means that each device/piece of software will present the data slightly differently.
If you had a wheel sensor speedo perfectly calibrated it'd probably show a different max speed to that of a gps device (probably higher max speed than the gps device).
Does this help or am I missing the point?
Not quite sure how an activity can be longer on strava though!