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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Knitting, crocheting and general craftery

169 watchers
Aug 2017
9:53pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Awesome Girlie.

At some point this weekend I saw a pattern for a lovely kimono cardigan. Then today at yoga I saw someone wearing one and it looked lovely. Can I find the pattern anywhere? Can I diddly.
Aug 2017
10:05pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Was it definitely knitted Wobbling? - as opposed to having been sewn from knit fabric?
Aug 2017
11:55pm, 1 Aug 2017
135 posts
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I'm crocheting a blanket for a colleagues new baby (have just under two weeks left until he returns from his two week paternity leave). I've currently got a headcold and a coldsore, which I obviously don't want to pass on to the baby. Do you think that as long as I wash the blanket before giving it (which I would anyway), it will be germ free?

Or should I wait to finish it, I have time (he returns from his two week paternity leave on the 14th), but it would be a nice mindless thing to work on now.
Aug 2017
6:31am, 2 Aug 2017
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Panad - it was crochet. I'm not a knitter.

Jen - I don't think cold virus can live outside the body for long so with the time before your colleague going on leave and washing it should be ok.
Aug 2017
8:56pm, 3 Aug 2017
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Get me and my floating yarn!
Christmas pud jumper 😃
Aug 2017
8:39am, 4 Aug 2017
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That looks complicated EP.

When I was last unemployed, back in 2013-2014, my half-sister told me about an appeal from the NICU at her local hospital for small blankets for the premie babies. I got on like a machine and churned out a couple of blankets a week. Eventually, the NICU wrote to me and asked me to stop, they had enough blankets. I had three left over that I hadn't managed to send, that lived in my stash bag, and I didn't really think too hard about what to do with them.

There's a woman in my team, F, who's sister has a very poorly baby who is in the Bristol NICU. I mentioned to her that I had these three blankets, would her sister be able to find a use for them? Sister said yes and this morning I gave them to F. She was delighted with them and has been raving about them to other members of the team and her Mum. I'm very touched, they're just very simple double crochet stash-busters, and I'm very pleased someone will find a use for them.

F and I had a little chat about knitting and crocheting and she loves it apparently and used to do a little bit of knitting. This is all very reassuring because my next crochet project is a blanket for her as she's expecting her second child in November. I had wondered how she'd take it, she's a very stylish person, but I'm getting the impression she'll love it.
Aug 2017
9:17am, 4 Aug 2017
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Great news!

I need to use my stash!
Aug 2017
7:20pm, 5 Aug 2017
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Wobbling - i'm assuming you did a quick ravelry search for the kimono cardigan?
Great news about the blankets, even more so if they are all a quick stash buster ;)

EP. Love the christmas pudding! Your floats look v neat and tidy!
Aug 2017
8:07pm, 5 Aug 2017
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I'm going stash-diving for this ravelry.com tomorrow... need something quick and easy as a contrast to http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/penguono, which isn't majorly taxing, but isn't proving very quick!
Aug 2017
9:00am, 10 Aug 2017
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Morning, can I ask for some help with a crochet pattern please Fetchies?

I'm making a daisy and the pattern reads '3trtr over next 3 stitches'. I understand the trtr bit but I don't know what 'over next 3 stitches' means. Can anyone advise please?

About This Thread

Maintained by Helegant

Possible tour of the Strictly costume workshops?

Details here: dsi-london.com

The regular "Behind the Seams" tour starts with champagne, lasts about 2 hours and includes lots of crystals and swishy dresses.

DSI London headquarters

The Courtyard

131 Aurelia Road



If anyone wants to organise a group booking then hand up now please. Groups are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 11am or 2pm.

Otherwise we could make individual bookings at £29 each (2pm Saturday or Tuesday)


A thread for those of us who like making 'stuff'.

Recommended yarn/craft shops: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=456

Lists of books/patterns http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=460

Fabric shops - bricks or on-line. fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=556

Article about sewing machines: fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=557

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