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Kettlebells ?

5 watchers
Oct 2016
6:55pm, 22 Oct 2016
10,618 posts
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Thanks all. Ive ordered an 8kg one to start with. I did also order a 4kg one on the basis that it was fairly cheap and might be a good starter while I learn the 'form'. However had a change of heart and managed to cancel that order.

Nice link Postie. What does the core exercise circuit before this look like ?

This was one of many similar pages I found:


Looks like its due to arrive Monday which is good as thats a non running day and I can get started.
Oct 2016
8:10pm, 22 Oct 2016
3,848 posts
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30 secs sit ups
30 secs press ups
20 back raises
20 single leg squats (each leg)
1 minute plank
30 seconds side plank (each side)
plus the kettlebell set from you tube

This circuit takes about 9 to 10 minutes. I'll do one of these first thing in the morning and multiple sets at least twice a week.
Oct 2016
8:44pm, 24 Oct 2016
10,624 posts
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OMG, 8kg is heavy. Either that or I am a weakling !!

8kg kettlebell arrived today and was weighty in the box and so I put off trying it out but eventually did.

Gave it a start of 20 mins and a variety of stuff that looked doable technique wise initially. Not sure I got them all right, but abs and arms know they have worked in a way they are not used to. Glutes not worked as much as I had hoped. Off to research more exercises
Oct 2016
8:48pm, 24 Oct 2016
First-time poster!!
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I do kettles every week, in an organised class, each week is a different programme on a rotation, for an hour. This incorporates a warm up and cool down, as well as floor work. I would definitely recommend it. The benefit of going to a class is that you can work your way 'up' the weights without buying them for yourself. I would definitely recommend some kind of strength work (my injury list has reduced since I've been doing kettles and pilates), but be warned, don't arrange anything for the day or two after your first session... and be prepared to ask for help getting off the loo!!! ;)
Oct 2016
8:50pm, 24 Oct 2016
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When performing the double arm swing, make sure your knee's are bent so you can drive them upwards for the upswing when the kettlebell is beneath you. That's what works the glutes and hamstrings.
Oct 2016
8:56pm, 26 Oct 2016
10,635 posts
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OK, 2nd session done, 25 mins and worked a lot harder this time. Glutes worked a bkit more but Abs feel the effort most

Onwards and Upwards

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Maintained by Bazoaxe
I am thinking of buying a kettlebell(s) and incorporating that as a bit of cross / core strength tra...
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