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International book thread

10 watchers
May 2020
10:06am, 23 May 2020
33,839 posts
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rf technically I'm not into fantasy. But last year I tried to get rid of the genre tag. And will have a go at anyone or anything.

Shall look at that.

Daz I set no rules you read, you set your own rules
May 2020
10:13pm, 23 May 2020
2,160 posts
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Russia - Eugene Onegin - Pushkin, Alexander

Ireland - The Dead - Joyce, James

Trinidad and Tobago - A House For Mr Biswas - Naipaul, V.S.

Ukraine - Death and the Penguin - Kurkov, Andrey

Belgium - Cheese - Elsschot, Willem

Australia - The Tree of Man - White, Patrick

Poland - Solaris - Lem, Stanislaw

Italy - The Leopard - Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe

Nigeria - Things Fall Apart - Achebe, Chinua

Germany - Siddhartha - Hesse, Hermann

Colombia - One Hundred Years of Solitude - García Márquez, Gabriel

Brazil - The Devil to Pay in the Backlands - Guimarães Rosa, João

Netherlands - All Souls Day - Nooteboom, Cees

Hungary - They Were Counted - Bánffy, Miklós

France - The Red and the Black - Stendhal

Canada - Microserfs - Coupland, Douglas

Spain - A Heart So White - Marías, Javier

Denmark - Kristin Lavransdatter - Undset, Sigrid

Vietnam - The Sorrow of War - Ninh, Bao

China - The Tale of Genji - Murasaki Shikibu

Switzerland - Jakob von Gunten - Walser, Robert

Czech Republic - War with the Newts - Capek, Karel

Chile - The Savage Detectives - Bolaño, Roberto

Japan - Beauty and Sadness - Kawabata, Yasunari

Finland - Unknown Soldiers - Linna, Väinö

India - The Home and the World - Tagore, Rabindranath

Norway - Alberta & Jacob - Sandel, Cora

Armenia - The Gray House - Petrosyan, Mariam

Iran - Persepolis - Satrapi, Marjane

Austria - Extinction - Bernhard, Thomas

South Africa - Disgrace - Coetzee, J.M.

Lebanon - Samarkand - Maalouf, Amin

Peru - The Feast of the Goat - Vargas Llosa, Mario

Portugal - Blindness - Saramago, José

New Zealand - Once Were Warriors - Duff, Alan

Romania - For Two Thousand Years - Sebastian, Mihail

Turkey - My Name Is Red - Pamuk, Orhan

Argentina - Hopscotch - Cortázar, Julio

Saudi Arabia - Cities of Salt - Munif, Abdul Rahman
May 2020
10:16pm, 23 May 2020
8,055 posts
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Nice list Daz. A couple on there that I’ve read and forgot for my list.
May 2020
10:21am, 24 May 2020
33,843 posts
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Good List Daz
Knew I could rely on you
May 2020
10:24am, 24 May 2020
10,638 posts
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mrs shanksi
That's a fantastic list Daz. I've only read two, the Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Douglas Coupland. I loved the latter and read all his books back in the day.
May 2020
2:28pm, 27 May 2020
10,664 posts
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mrs shanksi
Interesting list here:

May 2020
2:28pm, 27 May 2020
10,665 posts
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mrs shanksi
It is the 2020 International Booker Prize Shortlist announcement.
May 2020
2:40pm, 27 May 2020
33,863 posts
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Great link there. Thanks
Jun 2020
3:53pm, 7 Jun 2020
10,706 posts
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mrs shanksi
I've been sorting out some books stored in our basement for years and came across this one which I can't remember much about, except I enjoyed it at the time. I read it in 1997:

Epitaph of a Small Winner by Machado de Assis
Aug 2023
12:11pm, 13 Aug 2023
43,318 posts
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Even though this is my thread I've not added into it in the last 3 and a bit years.

Since then what have I read not much

But an update


South Africa
Disgrace - J M Coetzee

HHhH - Laurent Binet


Rituals - Cees Nooteboom
Apologies can you advise I'm never sure if it's Holland or Netherlands googled not much help

Homegoing - Yaa Gyasi

Nothing in 2022 but I was in a reading slump only 9 books in total
Currently reading


Elena Knows - Claudia Piñeiro

It's hard sometimes whether to assign someone's country of birth or where they moved to in later life.
I read Milan Kundera but he said he saw himself as a French writer so sticking with that

Also naming the first book I've read from a particular country even though I've read others from there

So that's another 5 countries only another 185 or so to go 😂

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Maintained by Night-owl
Do we really need another book thread?

Well I'm starting one anyway. It may be a solo thread...
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