inov8 advice

1 watcher
May 2013
7:59pm, 23 May 2013
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JohnnyO, we're planning on walking the west highland way in 3 days and I'm just a bit concerned about blisters from being on my feet all day if they get wet.. those socks that "wick" away the sweat never work!
May 2013
9:07pm, 23 May 2013
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emmie, if you are doing bag drops i'd say be good to take change shoes for 2nd part. Rannoch moor is tough on feet as is rest of it actually. Rocky terrain. having more cushioned shoes than roclites will help
May 2013
9:12pm, 23 May 2013
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eL Bee!
Emmie - unfortunately not. Only 8 and 9½ around your size. Sorry about that :(

I use a very thin sock (Falke RU5) under the sealskinz - makes them much more comfortable!
May 2013
9:17pm, 23 May 2013
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Derby Tup
Sealskins seem to work a bit like a wet-suit (not that I've ever worn one!). They aren't really waterproof if you're getting your feet into any real wet conditions, but they do keep your feet warm

I wouldn't bother trying to keep your feet dry walking the WHW. You would be wasting your time. Wear wool socks and shoes with some mesh in the uppers so the water can run out is my advice
May 2013
9:41pm, 23 May 2013
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santababy, we're not doing bag drops, at least that's not the plan at the moment. Ideally I'd get some walking boots but I don't want to buy a pair that I then will hardly use, whereas I know I'll use inov8s a lot. Money is the problem!

Don't worry eL Bee, thanks anyway! In your opinion, are sealskinz worth the money?

Derby Tup, I've seen loads of good reviews! I'm so confused!
May 2013
9:43pm, 23 May 2013
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Derby Tup
I'd give them a good review too. They're just not very waterproof ;-)

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I'm in the market for some hiking/trail running shoes for a lovely long walk/run through Scotland t...

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