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Inov-8's - 230's/240's

1 watcher
May 2016
1:24pm, 6 May 2016
7,724 posts
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I currently run in Inov-8 230's but need a new pair. I'm finding lots of options online for 240's (at good prices), is there much difference? One shop told me they're slightly more cushioned and slightly heavier. Wondering if I am better off sticking with the 230's?

May 2016
1:31pm, 6 May 2016
21,154 posts
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Derby Tup
The number refers to the weight of the shoe in grams. The difference between the shoes in weight terms is therefore 10grams; in other words the square root of b*gger all. Not tried either (presumably f-lite) so can't comment re cushioning. Can't imagine there's a massive difference mind
May 2016
1:33pm, 6 May 2016
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Thanks DT, I wondered if the number was the weight and a bit more cushioning can't go amiss really - esp if its only 10g worth :)

warming up the credit card :) thanks
May 2016
1:36pm, 6 May 2016
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K5 Gus
They both have the same heel to tow drop, ie 6mm, but they use a different type of cushioning.

The 230 uses "standadrd" EVA, whilst the 240 use "injected" EVA. In my experience of Inov8 shoes the injected EVA gives a softer feel - so depends what you prefer.

Also, the 230 is a "precision" fit whilst the 240 is a "standard" fit, the main difference I believe is the amount of room in the forefoot, ie the 240 will have slightly more room.

I think the 240 might also have some more protection on the uppers as it is more a gym/crossfit type shoe designed for climbing ropes, etc
May 2016
1:44pm, 6 May 2016
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Ah I wondered about the standard and precision fit, the 240 appears to have the choice of both, so I guess I could go 240 precision and may be similar to the 230's.
May 2016
1:44pm, 6 May 2016
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Thank you K5 Gus.
May 2016
2:21pm, 6 May 2016
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240's ordered from Sportshoes.com, £49.99 - bargain. Hopefully they come with go faster motivation and get me back out running again.

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Maintained by geordiegirl
I currently run in Inov-8 230's but need a new pair. I'm finding lots of options online for 240's...
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