Apr 2021
8:20am, 5 Apr 2021
221 posts
Morning. Have decided to get back in the game today. One week of hedonism was too much. Will take a couple of days to reach equilibrium again so won't be posting any weights until I'm stable. Good luck everyone.
Apr 2021
8:43am, 5 Apr 2021
24,449 posts
Birthday week and step back week so chilling
Apr 2021
10:02am, 5 Apr 2021
72,212 posts
I have just decided to take this week off as well as most of last week. I am trying to get rid of this bicep tendonitis and only gentle exercise of it works. I can't sleep for more than a couple of hours a night from the pain and found it way too stressful to try and do gardening work like that. Now just going to potter in my own garden and take lots of naps. It seems to have improved things ever so slightly as last night I managed a 3 hour stint of sleep! Lying down, not sitting up.
After today though I will get back to more minimalist eating habits... My abdomen feels/is distended. I think in response to the sugar from the last few days.
Apr 2021
10:18am, 5 Apr 2021
7,589 posts
Back on it too from today. Weighed in at 85kg dead early last week, my lowest since 07/19, then bobbed along at just over that weight for the rest of the week which was disappointing. Had the weekend off (obvs!), and aiming to end the week at 84.x
Apr 2021
10:20am, 5 Apr 2021
820 posts
I am back in action today so I imagine will take all week to get back to where I was. A sobering thought is my neighbour who is my age passed away, he was a large man had an epiletic fit and was in hospital for 3 months.
Apr 2021
10:25am, 5 Apr 2021
72,214 posts
Oh WP that sounds grim! Did he contract CoVid? Or was it weight related?
A really fat guy on the checkout at Waitrose last week somehow confided in me: he had been shielding for many months, only because his weight made him so vulnerable. He was clearly clinically obese but also confided in the fact that even 4 months of shielding, twice in one year, i.e. most of the year, didn't bother him as all he was interested in was food and that got brought to him with the minimum effort while shielding. And yes he was aware it was killing him but, well, food! He can't have been more than 40...
I just cannot understand how someone can be like that... literally killing yourself as you cannot stop eating?
Apr 2021
10:30am, 5 Apr 2021
20,549 posts
I've continued to log cals over the weekend and managed to avoid a binge, but have spent too much time sitting on my .
According to trendweight I need to eat ~250 fewer calories per day to stay on target, or I could move an extra 5000 steps per day. Finding doing either hard right now.
Apr 2021
10:50am, 5 Apr 2021
45 posts
I’m 0.5 up on my last two Monday weights, which I guess isn’t too bad, considering the increase in processed carbs over the past 5 days. Back to a more focussed effort for me this week.
WP that’s a scary story. I’m 62 and find it scary to see folk my age or younger who are “old”. I “know” you from RW too I think? Daily training thread? I was Debbo/Ironwifey in those days
Apr 2021
10:55am, 5 Apr 2021
2,061 posts
After a high mileage, very hilly, low calorie week I'm 3lbs up on last week. Highest in fact for the year thus far. Hopefully a scales blip.
Apr 2021
10:55am, 5 Apr 2021
821 posts
Hann: Sadly he got contracted Covid whilst in hospital He was maybe 18st and a short man but a really nice chap he lost his wife 15-20 years ago to cancer and raised there son on his own.
I think it is an addiction with food with your chap in waitrose which is sad.
I had a lazy day yesterday as I suffer with fatigue not today I have run and I am going to walk to village!
Rosehip: I have trendweight say similar!! Not looked today but I have to do something!