May 2012
7:58pm, 12 May 2012
311 posts
I'm in yellow, will be near the back of it though! Had a wee jaunt round about home today just to get the blood moving then ate my own body weight in pasta and bread rolls, dontcha just love races for being able to stuff food all day the day before mmmm, where are those kettle chips...
May 2012
8:32pm, 12 May 2012
1,157 posts
Carb loading???? Oh bugger, I've had cheese salad and a yoghurt! Still have no idea what I'm wearing tomorrow, how I'm getting there, what I'm taking... just wandering round the house going "wibble, wibble, wibble...."
May 2012
9:10pm, 12 May 2012
379 posts
Good luck everyone doing the race I can't make it this year as working away unfortunately. Hope there's decent weather and you all thoroughly enjoy the event !
May 2012
9:12pm, 12 May 2012
5,979 posts
Have fun all!
May 2012
9:37pm, 12 May 2012
81 posts
Mmmm, fruit salad and ice cream for pudding. Just got to wait for it to digest then I can head to bed. Although I'm a bit too excited to sleep!
May 2012
8:56am, 13 May 2012
82 posts
Good luck ladies, I'll maybe see you there! Ive got red top and pink shoes and clash quite nicely,hehe. I'm in the purple start but will be overtaken by lots of people I imagine!x
May 2012
9:32am, 13 May 2012
328 posts
Have a good run everyone, may the rain stay off & the wind stay behind you
May 2012
10:00am, 13 May 2012
1,287 posts
good luck to everyone doing this
May 2012
2:39pm, 13 May 2012
312 posts
what a miserable day we got but yay, a PB for me:) I desperately wanted to get under an hour for 10k for the first time and trundled through with my garmin at 57:54 so I am delighted and now full of McDonalds chips and milkshake and have had a hot bath so time for a nap! Hope everyone had a good run and hello again to the couple of fetchie ladies I spoke to
May 2012
2:51pm, 13 May 2012
1,158 posts
The weather was.... "Scottish"! Well I didn't run it all, but I never stopped and I achieved my soft target of less than 90 minutes (think it will be about 1:27 but was so pleased to finish I forgot to stop the Garmin!), so I'm happy Remind me of this when my legs won't work tomorrow morning!