Ignis Womens 10k Glasgow

1 lurker | 7 watchers
May 2012
11:58pm, 13 May 2012
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Oh definitely! I think my legs are still in a state of shock ... and I have my first blister! No wine for me tonight, but cherry fizz and strawberries instead :-)
May 2012
7:52am, 14 May 2012
661 posts
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Well done Princesszee jacs and Duchess. Hopefully the weather is better at Edinburgh, for more Pb's
May 2012
9:28am, 14 May 2012
87 posts
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Thanks! I get to say I'm running in the marathon, but as I'm doing the relay, it's only 4.5miles. Yay
May 2012
7:36pm, 15 May 2012
88 posts
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The photos are up on mrathon photos x
May 2012
10:25pm, 15 May 2012
320 posts
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hate the photo, makes me look like I have thunder thighs, that said the ones of my tiny 8st colleague also make her look massive so it must be the pics (i hope lol)
May 2012
10:31pm, 15 May 2012
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My photos of the finishing straight just show the pain I was in and how much I was struggling to get me legs to go any quicker! My other photos, I am giving 2 thumbs up, like last yr, and the yr before. I didnt know but this seems to be my running pose!
May 2012
6:25am, 16 May 2012
665 posts
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I agree the photos are horrible, pain ++ and made me look horrendous. Oh well money saved then lol
May 2012
9:22am, 16 May 2012
1,171 posts
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Is there anyway of keeping copies of the photos without buying them? I may look hideous but I would kind of like to have the evidence I did it...
May 2012
9:18pm, 16 May 2012
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the picture I saw of myself was actually really good and I wasnt making a stupid face like I normally do. But the prices for them are terrible.... £19 for 1 pic I dont think so I would rather do without.
May 2012
10:47pm, 16 May 2012
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I was just thinking how awful my photo was when I saw this thread. Pleased to hear others feel the same about theirs LOL. I smiled for ages coming in hoping to get a good photo, but they caught me looking like it was horrendous which is not what I was feeling. I also look enormous, I know I'm overweight but that's just ridiculous. Mind you I should buy it and stick it on the fridge. Had a great though really enjoyed it.

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With less than a month to go to Women's 10k. It would be good for Fetchie girls (young and old), to...

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