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I've got unicorns in my basket

1 lurker | 54 watchers
Mar 2021
9:41pm, 16 Mar 2021
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I have some Tikkiboo shorts on their way to me. :)
Mar 2021
11:04pm, 16 Mar 2021
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No unicorns, but I've gone for Bloom leggings and Quasar leggings. Now we can go out for exercise more than once a day (thanks to FDNB for letting me know the guidance has changed at last) I need some leggings for cool weather walking :)
The Forest of Colour capris fell in there too....
Mar 2021
12:55am, 17 Mar 2021
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Really Gimme? I just read up on the Gov website and it still states restrict exercise time and stay local and on your own or with one other person?
I was sort of hoping I could go out on my bike again at last... But nope... And still no taiji in the garden.
On that note: I am pretty pissed off about no longer counting your private outside space as your home!
I am really struggling! Legally speaking, I am only allowed in it for an hour a day as my exercise... It takes 3 hours to cut the grass!!! And obviously this seriously limits my options as regards exercise... So more than once a day would be ace...
Mar 2021
7:36am, 17 Mar 2021
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Alice the Camel
We are still in lockdown and by law should only be leaving home when essential and limiting the amount of time we spend outside our homes. Exercise is classed as an essential reason to be outside. Whilst the guidance doesn’t specify how many times you are permitted to exercise each day, it’s up to you whether or not you consider it essential. Just use common sense! It won’t go on forever :-)
Mar 2021
7:50am, 17 Mar 2021
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They’ve removed the once a day which is great. Exercising is such low risk where I am but I get some places less so.

Ignore choices there GM I am loving quasar leggings (& Juniper) waiting for new skorts before I commit.
Mar 2021
8:21am, 17 Mar 2021
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I'm wearing my LC Active leggings today for no reason other than I want to. Am also having the dilemma of whether to buy more leggings, or if capris would be a better choice at this time of year. I don't really need either, but at the same time I do. I really, really do :-)
Mar 2021
9:30am, 17 Mar 2021
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Well, I am in the middle of nowhere! I haven't actually seen anyone since September, apart from checkout staff in the supermarket once every couple of months. I am allowed out to go and work, which is also outside, and have abided by the rules, because my neighbours call the police on every opportunity... They didn't like my planning application, complicated, and try to harrass and bully me out of my home.
I have interpreted the rules as: up to an hours walk is ok, a bike ride isn't as for me, tbey are at least 3 hours and 100 kms. Allthough technically from my door, not exactly local! Added issue is I am on the Welsh border! So when I wasn't, and still am not, allowed to go to the supermarket in Wales, local, I drove the 48 miles round trip to Hereford, was turned back by the police road block stopping people from Wales. I have an English postcode but obviously 24 miles was too far, even though it is my nearest supermarket in England.
Thank goodness I grow most of my own food, including oranges and lemons!
I haven been to the supermarket once since that incident, 23 December, and now go to Wales and don't exercise...
Mar 2021
11:08am, 17 Mar 2021
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As gg says, Hanneke, the specific mention of limiting exercise to once a day has disappeared from the Stay at Home document. I'm in a very rural area but have stuck to once day only, despite not seeing another person on days when the weather isn't great. Now that limit has been erased it will allow a bit more freedom. I'll still only be exercising in my village - as per Stay at Home guidance - but I can split my longer run in to 2 now or go for a walk/bike ride as well as a run without breaking the "rules".

You have had it harder than many of us, Hann, not helped by over-zealous police, by being right on the border.
Mar 2021
11:21am, 17 Mar 2021
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My comic book leggings delivered by my smiley postman this morning:) ordered just before 3 yesterday afternoon, great service from SBD, will take them for an outing once my big blister is not so hurty :(
Mar 2021
11:23am, 17 Mar 2021
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Ouch, Gus :(

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Maintained by GimmeMedals
The Newt threat has been taken over by chat about Flanci skorts, capris, shorts, leggings and bargai...
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