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How would you time an internal session?

3 watchers
Feb 2020
1:08pm, 21 Feb 2020
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"static" recovery shouldn't be static! keep moving! - even if just walking up and down during the recovery.

But yes, turn off autopause for intervals (I never have it on).

I prefer manual lapping to programming it, because it means that when you run and the track cuts the corner (because GPS not accurate enough), it doesn't cut the interval short or long.

Particularly useful on a track - my 310XT cuts the corners on the track all the time.
Feb 2020
1:18pm, 21 Feb 2020
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Yes, I'd only ever trust the GPS to measure a few tempo miles as the difference between it measuring 1620m or 1570m doesn't really matter in that situation.

I do use the GPS to get an initial measurement of a lap that I'm going to repeat for intervals, accepting that if it tells me the lap on the first measurement is 0.62miles I don't care what it measures for the next few as I'll be running point to point, so it's the time that matters anyway.

Autopause is the spawn of satan generally. And the way strava handles it is annoying, or at least could do with being user customisable (if you tag the activity as a race though it includes stationary time, for obvious reasons).

In terms of duration of static recoveries, I've only done that once and just counted in my head. Bazoaxe has pointed out that most Garmin's flash up "recovery heart rate" 2 minutes after an activity is stopped or paused, and that can be used to give you a 2 minute recovery - though if you need anything else you'd have to find a way of timing it, which my watch wouldn't allow for.
Feb 2020
2:03pm, 21 Feb 2020
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That's a good point re the GPS inaccuracies for programming track workouts, I tend not to do my speed stuff on track as there are none especially accessible. It's a shame you can't combine a programmed cue (e.g. Garmin displays you have hit 1km) with a lap button cue to confirm the distance and end the lap manually. Would be a useful way of reducing brain effort while increasing accuracy.

I didn't know that about Str*va not including stationary time when tagged as a race!
Feb 2020
2:15pm, 21 Feb 2020
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That's why I like my fixed route. It doesn't really matter if my 1k loop is actually 980m or 1020m. I just know that it is the same distance every time I do it because the lamp-post doesn't move, so if I took 3m42s last time and I take 3m35s this time I know I've definitely covered the ground faster. Not sure what I would do if I hadn't found this particular loop!
Feb 2020
2:20pm, 21 Feb 2020
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Definitely a fan of using the same fixed points. All my sessions usually have a sensible start/finish point like a lamppost to make it comparable (obviously weather conditions, training load, work etc all also make a difference).

But, I also like a track session as you simply can't hide on the track - 400m is 400m and the time you take is the time you take.

This can then be comparable to targets (as above I use Daniels as my guide).
Feb 2020
2:22pm, 21 Feb 2020
9,569 posts
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The only sessions where I don't worry about fixed points are timed ones (e.g. 8x3mins) - as it doesn't matter (to some extent) how far you actually run in that 3mins - just that you run 3mins.

This means you can also mix up the terrain, hilliness etc to make those sessions more interesting.

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Maintained by RunningRonnie
How would you time an interval session?

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