Nov 2012
8:21pm, 9 Nov 2012
20,582 posts
Nov 2012
8:25pm, 9 Nov 2012
5,457 posts
Can anyone give me an example of a race that is not a timed run ? The original name of "Time Trial" was dropped because too many people (correctly) pointed out that in a time trial, runners or cyclists start at intervals so are racing the clock rather than each other.
Countering the other fallacious reasoning I have encountered here, if someone says that thier car is a "Mini", not a car they are confusing the name of something (and often advertising hype) with the correct classification of an object or entity.
Parkruns are races, if you want them to not be races, you should refuse to record a time in the results.
Nov 2012
8:27pm, 9 Nov 2012
17,635 posts
Doublethink 'r' us
Nov 2012
8:30pm, 9 Nov 2012
679 posts
I've only got two logged on Fetch. I did more than 2 last month alone.
Nov 2012
8:31pm, 9 Nov 2012
5,534 posts
Parkruns are quite obviously races. No charge, no prizes but clearly races.
If parkrun don't want to classify them as races for an obscure (no doubt insurance/athletics regulations) reason then that's fine.
Nov 2012
8:40pm, 9 Nov 2012
2,336 posts
For the purposes of winning Jelly Babies, Park Runs count in this thread.
Carry on.
Nov 2012
8:59pm, 9 Nov 2012
3,519 posts
Time Trail wasn't dropped for that reason.
"time trial" was dropped because it scared some newbies. PSH wanted to make parkrun as accessible to all as possible, to be more about the run and less about competition. At least that's how I remember the conversation after BPTT but it was a long time ago.
Nov 2012
10:13pm, 9 Nov 2012
20,583 posts
Is it not the case that the runner can allow parkrun to be what she/he wants it to be?
Nov 2012
10:30pm, 9 Nov 2012
6,733 posts
Son of a Pronator Man
Some times I race Parkruns and sometimes I dont. Its a race for me if i want it to be.
Nov 2012
10:40pm, 9 Nov 2012
28,013 posts
137 Marathons 11 Ultras 1 half 2 x 10km 2 x 5 miles 1 x 2.5 miles 1 x 4 miles
the rest are 5k's