How is your running surviving Covid chaos?

51 watchers
Apr 2020
9:44am, 10 Apr 2020
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DT - even running 100 plus miles a week I would break a streak before it got over 3 weeks

Paul - I run during the day for the sunshine except on a Saturday where I go out early as it is my 1 effort run of the week
Apr 2020
9:45am, 10 Apr 2020
39,670 posts
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Derby Tup
Would you run twice some days when doing 100+ Gobi?
Apr 2020
9:48am, 10 Apr 2020
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Three times DT
Apr 2020
10:10am, 10 Apr 2020
1,552 posts
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Think my running is being effected now. I'm pleased I'm running, but to keep the wife company on some of her walks I'm only running four times a week. Thing is I'm running a bit harder than I would normally in training. It's probably not the right thing to do, but I'm doing it more for my mental health. Guessat least I'll have some kind of base to start back from and more structured sessions again
Apr 2020
11:47am, 10 Apr 2020
3,093 posts
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sounds great Paul
Apr 2020
11:53am, 11 Apr 2020
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Keefy Beefy
Nice run this morning. Social distancing and running works ok at the mo because so lottle traffic you can easily go into road. If there comes a point where traffic is heavier but you're still supposed to distance, that'll be harder.
Apr 2020
12:14pm, 11 Apr 2020
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Idyllic here in the Dales. Just as beautiful as ever but no tourists. Dreadful for the town and business here of course (where "business" means "anyone who makes a living directly or indirectly from tourism, which is probably most of the working-age population")
Apr 2020
10:31pm, 11 Apr 2020
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Tim of MK
Really struggling mentally all of a sudden. Might need a walk and a run each day to cope.
Apr 2020
9:13am, 12 Apr 2020
2,142 posts
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The letter of the law (or at least the regulations) says you only leave your house if you have a reasonable excuse. A resonable excuse includes exercise to maintain your health. The spirit of the law is that you should do everything reasonable to avoid proximity to people other than those in your household. The need to maintain community solidarity requires that you do not unreasonably antagonise neighbours. It seems to me that activity that obeys the letter of the law, the sprit of the law and does not damage community solidarity is fine.
Apr 2020
9:27am, 12 Apr 2020
632 posts
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I've noticed an increase in wildlife along the trails in the absence of humans and, probably more relevant, their dogs. On yesterday's bimble I happened upon a large buzzard on the ground. It flapped off and then I saw what it was trying to catch for its lunch -- a snake about 12 inches long. It slithered off pronto but not before I'd checked out the markings along its back, and I reckon it was an adder. There's plenty of them in the area and I've seen them before. Lots more birdsong too.

About This Thread

Maintained by Canute
Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise exponentially in the UK.

It is even more crucial to do everything we can to slow the rate of onset of new cases. Nonetheless, exercise remains important for our health.

The relevant piece of the legislation in England is:

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020

Restrictions on movement

6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

(a) to obtain basic necessities, including food and medical supplies for those in the same household (including any pets or animals in the household) or for vulnerable persons and supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household, or the household of a vulnerable person, or to obtain money, including from any business listed in Part 3 of Schedule 2;

(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

That is an abbreviated version. Here is a link to a more comprehensive specification of section 6:

Similar regulations apply in Scotland, where section 8, (5) (b) states:
(b) to take exercise, either alone or with other members of their household.
In Northern Ireland, section 5 (2) (b) is the same:
(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

In Wales, the regulations state that you can leave the house no more than once a day for exercise, The relevant section [section 8] states:

(b) to take exercise, no more than once a day, either alone or with other members of the household.


Here is a link to the guidance regarding a reasonable excuse to leave the house, issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (for England):
Note added 26th May: unfortunately the clear guidelines issued in April have been taken down and replaced by a more complex collection of documents.

The fact that the government accepts the importance of exercise places a responsibility on us to exercise in a way that reduces our risk of becoming a clinical case rather than increasing our risk.

Here is a review of the factors that influence the relationship between exercise and function of the immune system

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