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8 watchers
Sep 2014
10:02pm, 15 Sep 2014
531 posts
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Managed to pick my HOKA CLIFTON trainers up today. First impressions: I like them a lot!! They are nice and light and the colour I chose( coral/white/yellow) are fab :-)
The insole is very thin and easily removed to accommodate my orthotic. The shoe is deep enough for the orthotic to sit snuggly. I know some people say you can wear them without orthotics ; but I want to try with them.
My only concern is the tongue of the shoe which seems v flimsy. I hope it doesn't tear
I walked around the house first in my size 8's. My day shoes are a 7 and my Nikes are a 7.5. The size 8's are perfect. The immediate feeling I noticed was the brilliant cushioning. They are extremely well cushioned. I then walked to the gym and did 30mins on the treadmill. I am v impressed. Unlike some reviews that I have read, I did NOT feel like a clown wearing them!!;-) My next try is a 3m outside run. I am only just starting running again after a long lay off- hence the short distance.
Sep 2014
10:06pm, 15 Sep 2014
22,767 posts
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I'm same as Gus - Hoka Rapa Nui and Rapa Nui 2s. I have no gait issues so can't comment on orthotics, but having used very lightweight shoes for short races (up to marathon) on the road, I got the Hokas for ultras mainly to protect sole and toes from the sharp rocks on long distance trails. Managed Highland Fling 53 and Glenmore 24 (105 miles) and I had no toe or sole problems (lots of other problems, but none of them to do with footwear!) :-) G
Oct 2015
2:58pm, 2 Oct 2015
534 posts
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Having rolled my ankle yet again this morning I went to my local stockists to try on a pair and get some more info on these, was shown the difference win the width of the sole between my current running shoe (mizuno wave) and the hoka's and can see why they were adamant that these would certainly help in my case , ive heard that many race reviews from others and on here I've dived straight on and order a pair of trail and a pair or road hoka's, would have liked to buy them from the shop but they only had pink versions in my size but having tried on men's size 8 I was told I'd need men's size 7 which allegedly are the same as women's 7.5 for some reason .... Can't wait for them to come next week and give them a go ( I did try a pair of pink ones in the shop and seemed really comfy :-) ) it will be interesting to see how often my ankle rolls with these in the near future ..... Anything is worth a try :-)

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Maintained by Hills of Death (HOD)
Just brought a pair very comfortable seems like you can wear them without orthotics (as my feet comp...
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