Jan 2021
12:52pm, 17 Jan 2021
18,615 posts
But you can counter with what didnt cause the Big Bang.
Jan 2021
1:33pm, 17 Jan 2021
38,043 posts
"We don't know yet" is a perfectly good and accurate answer to that one. That this isn't an entirely satisfying answer is the reason that people who want to understand it properly are still researching and that those who want an easy answer fall back to "God did it.".
Jan 2021
1:02pm, 26 Jan 2021
441 posts
Sadly some people are satisfied with comfortable lies as opposed to unwelcome truths.....and if it helps them through some personal emotional distress that's fair enough. I just have problems with those who promote such beliefs as absolute truths.......or even a tentative truth if they fail to provide anything in the way of substantiation.
Sadly the "god-did-it" assertion is rolled out with monotonous regularity
Jan 2021
1:06pm, 26 Jan 2021
6,525 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Unfortunately the world's most powerful country has been run based on those comfortable lies.
Jan 2021
9:17pm, 26 Jan 2021
6,449 posts
... if they fail to provide anything in the way of substantiation...
Or transubstantiation, for that matter.
Jan 2021
4:21pm, 27 Jan 2021
37,315 posts
I don't mind the unsubstantiated claims (or faith, as they call it. I won't say lies because I think of a lie as something that someone says knowing it to be untrue, whereas I'm talking about true believers), I just don't like when it is used to the detriment of ... well anyone.
So I can say "the moon is made of cheese" and I can deny every bit of science and evidence to the contrary. It's a bit stupid and pointless, but it's harmless. But when I start saying we should ban all space exploration because it's sacrilegious or ban cheese eating or production because it's sacred, that's when I start disadvantaging others. Then it moves from being just pointless to being harmful to others. So, errr... no, stop it please!
Hence I say all religions, no problem at all, believe what you will. Just don't: force it on others stop other people doing things because it doesn't accord with your view use it to justify any action of restraint or harm to anyone (including your kids!)
But moon-cheese believers, no problem, you have my blessing [sic!] as long as I can still have a sandwich and we can all still build space rockets. G
Jan 2021
7:51pm, 27 Jan 2021
6,532 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I have agreed with you up to now HappyG, but I can't believe that you are stooping so low as to question my belief in Lunar Caesetarianism.
Jan 2021
8:06pm, 27 Jan 2021
38,149 posts
You lot still believe in the moon? Shills for Big Moon, the lot of you. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Anyway, I agree with you up to a point that if it's not directly harmful believe what you want, deny science all you fancy etc.
The problem I have is that it's a small step for many from "I don't care about your science. I believe this religion despite it." to "I don't believe your science so I'm going to cure my kid's cancer with homeopathy/faith healing/ chiropractic/ black salve/ Miracle Mineral Solution/ the Faith Healer at my local spiritualist church" etc.
And if you are totally accepting that just denying science in terms of religion is a valid life choice where do you go when it's something more serious like medical treatments or bomb detection or whatever else it will be next?
Denying science (or not bothering to understand science on a basic level), or denying reality as it is otherwise known, is a bad choice wherever it happens.
Jan 2021
12:58pm, 29 Jan 2021
6,460 posts
I'm buying stocks in BIG MOON of Robinhood.com - it's bound to come good eventually.
On a tangent, what would the discovery of aliens do, if anything, to the theology of the major world religions? I wonder if it would damage the monotheistic 'God created the world just for humans so they would worship Him" axiom. Not sure it'd affect the non-monotheist ones nearly as much...
Jan 2021
1:06pm, 29 Jan 2021
18,774 posts
God created the aliens as well
Or maybe we have a battle to see which God was actually responsible