Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

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Feb 2021
2:25pm, 14 Feb 2021
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The Terminator
Anyone else here practice, interested in practicing and/or learning about Nichiren Buddhism? Be cool to chat, support and share experiences. I'm 6 months in and it's been totally revelatory. Definitely a missing part of the puzzle for me.

Feb 2021
10:20am, 15 Feb 2021
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Hello Terminator, I'm following for interest. I'm not familiar with Nichiren Buddhism but chanting is a feature of my yoga class that I've found beneficial. Curious to find out more about chanting from other perspectives.
Feb 2021
6:39pm, 15 Feb 2021
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The Terminator
Hi Susie Nichiren Buddhism is something I could talk about all day but Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the the mystic law which the whole religion, it's practice, study and mission (world peace) is based upon on.

To sum up for me I have been chanting for half hour every morning and evening for 6 months and the sense of clarity, drive and positivity it has given me, and opportunities that have presented themselves as a result, in, as we know, testing times is almost incomprehensible. It's hard to put into words but I guess that's why it is called the mystic law. I was sceptical at first but it was literally days before I felt a difference.

There is a lot more to add like I said but hopefully the conversation will grow from here and quite possibly include (NMRK) someone who has been chanting and practicing longer than me :-)
Feb 2021
7:47am, 16 Feb 2021
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Homeless Kodo
Your enthusiasm is to be commended but, at a guess, you’re doing what many newcomers do and being over enthusiastic. Discussion amongst lay practitioners, especially new practitioners, without the guidance of a Guru/Lama/Roshi is strongly discouraged due to the probability of misunderstanding and going down the wrong path. That you’re probably already going askew can be seen in your second post when you reference the chanting as what the whole religion is based on. It’s not. That chant is peculiar to Nichiren, a Japanese sect of Buddhism, not Buddhism as a whole. If you want to discuss Nichiren and get support go to a recognised Sangha.
All things are impermanent, most people get the good feelings when they start, they won’t last. Whether or not you’ve found the missing piece of your life will be born out if you’re still practicing in a year or two.
It’s possible that your good feelings are due to chanting “salutation to the Lotus Sutra” but it’s just as likely they’re due to you spending time on your own contemplating your navel. If you’re just chanting & not actually meditating then you’ve probably missed a big chunk of what Buddhism as referenced by the Eight Fold Path and irrespective of sect, is all about.
Feb 2021
9:41am, 16 Feb 2021
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The Terminator
Thank you HK. I have considered, and discussed, the possibility of over enthusiasm over the last 6 months but I have had as many periods where I question the whole process and practice too. I should have made it clearer that chanting NMRK is not for the whole religion of Buddhism though for sure you are right my apologies.

I am not practicing alone though and am heavily involved in the local district, study and discussion groups. I spend very little time alone apart from when I am chanting or meditating as I run my own essential shop and don't think I have missed what it is about, or hope not. I am striving for kosen rufu like never before, it is what I was focused on long before I knew the term, but now realise that starts with me being at peace with myself, changing my karma and going through this human revolution.

I focused very much on the chanting aspect in my reply to Susie as that is what she asked specifically about.

I really appreciate your thoughts and will consider them further. Thank you :-)

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Anyone else here practice, interested in practicing and/or learning about Nichiren Buddhism? Be cool...

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