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Heart rate

1 lurker | 302 watchers
Aug 2020
5:07pm, 18 Aug 2020
30,910 posts
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What Gobi says, 140 would be easy for me as my max is in the 200s. What's low for you is based on your max not an absolute HR that applies to everyone.
Aug 2020
5:24pm, 18 Aug 2020
11,734 posts
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Gobi's post here fetcheveryone.com/forum/heart-rate-3882/2027 about the way to get a max HR reading would be a good way forward. Takes the guesswork out of it.

Once you have max and resting, working out what is a high HR and what isn't will be simple.

What you might be worrying about could be persuading yourself that running at the paces needed to achieve the right HR zones is going to appeal to you. I've tentatively been through that cycle, and whilst I am by no means diligent, I've put aside my perpective that all my running needs to be at the pace I used to "enjoy" and run much more at the lower zones than I've ever done. And it made me faster.
Aug 2020
6:06pm, 18 Aug 2020
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148 for Looby Loo specifically, taking an educated guess at her max hr being in the 180s from the numbers shown in her intervals session (and discounting the early readings in the 190s!).

Also, from comments both on this thread and elsewhere on Fetch, women tend to find training to hr less agreeable (to the point of often giving up) than males. LL, you might find it easier, once you have more accurate max and resting figures, to take 72 or 73 % of working hr as your low mark, rather than 70%.
Aug 2020
6:16pm, 18 Aug 2020
71,148 posts
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DV - leaving you to it as I dont want a shit storm with you.
Aug 2020
6:24pm, 18 Aug 2020
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Well, if you consider what I've written is so rubbish, Gobi, I think you should rip into it. After all, it's someone else who is asking for advice and I don't claim to have your expertise, and I certainly don't have have your coaching experience. And I'll admit that I've more dabbled in hr training than used it as a cornerstone - partly because I think it works much better for faster/ higher volume runners.
Aug 2020
6:38pm, 18 Aug 2020
312 posts
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Looby Loo
Agreed I need to know my max so will try the 3/5 time 1 min hills and see how high I go.
Aug 2020
6:40pm, 18 Aug 2020
71,149 posts
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No DV I no longer bother, people have different views and I'm too old and long in the tooth for conflict.

Ask Larks, we no longer clash as I no longer get involved.
Aug 2020
6:49pm, 18 Aug 2020
313 posts
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Looby Loo
I have just looked at my most recent interval session which was 16 x 1 minutes with some elevation and I hit 197 about 3 times.
Aug 2020
7:55pm, 18 Aug 2020
2,921 posts
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Gobi, if I may observe, you seem to be puzzlingly confrontational, both on here and the polarized training thread, seeing conflict where there is none. This is a discussion forum where people express their views, and discuss ideas. If someone doesn't agree 100% with your view, for whatever reason, it doesn't mean there's conflict. Your views in these areas undoubtedly hold more weight than most, but it's far too young a science for any absolute truths to have been defined yet.
Aug 2020
8:38pm, 18 Aug 2020
315 posts
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Looby Loo
If I was to go by my recent 16 x 1 which was on hills and take the 196 as my max with 48 as my low would that be enough to work out my zones?

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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