Heart rate

1 lurker | 300 watchers
May 2020
7:45pm, 22 May 2020
31 posts
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TheBeardRunner (aka Abul Choudhury
I've taken the plunge. Found a brand new Garmin hrm dual for £33.70 on ebay. Seemed to good an offer to pass up. Please humour me and agree.
May 2020
8:21pm, 22 May 2020
50,085 posts
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I agree.
May 2020
8:23pm, 22 May 2020
1,702 posts
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I agree, provided it is not a non-official version coming from an untrustworthy source.
May 2020
8:29pm, 22 May 2020
7,865 posts
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Nice price, good purchase!
May 2020
9:52am, 23 May 2020
245 posts
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That is a good price
May 2020
3:36pm, 23 May 2020
50,098 posts
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Hi Shades. All good with you? I remember we chatted for a while during the Stevenage marathon in 2004, assuming my memory isn’t failing completely.
May 2020
5:33pm, 23 May 2020
246 posts
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GlennR - that's a few years ago. Isn't that the marathon that's only held every 10 years?

I remember lots of subways on the course but think I had quite a good run that day. I haven't run it since.
May 2020
6:55pm, 23 May 2020
50,107 posts
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That’s the one. Those subways trashed my calf muscles by the end. Plodding Hippo was also there.
May 2020
8:08pm, 23 May 2020
1,347 posts
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Daz Love
I’m on those Subways all the time! Not sure I could handle two loops for a marathon on then!
May 2020
8:16pm, 23 May 2020
50,117 posts
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They also ran out of water at about the twenty mile point, which given there were only a hundred odd runners took some doing.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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