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Heart rate

302 watchers
Nov 2017
11:48am, 2 Nov 2017
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This is what the 0.1m detail of his log looks like:-
0.1 45 7:30 93 (98) 709 86 (94)
0.2 44 7:20 128 (168) 901 92 (93)
0.3 40 6:40 184 (192) 1241 93 (95)
0.4 41 6:50 189 (192) 1295 94 (96)
0.5 39 6:30 189 (191) 1230 94 (95)
0.6 41 6:50 191 (191) 1305 88 (95)
0.7 35 5:50 191 (191) 1114 90 (94)
0.8 36 6:00 191 (191) 1146 92 (94)
0.9 40 6:40 191 (191) 1273 94 (95)

So looks like it was rising in that bonkers first mile way, but then he ditched it early on before it had settled down. I think when you unplug it, the garmin tends to record the last value permanently which would explain the 191 (191) thereafter.
Nov 2017
12:12pm, 2 Nov 2017
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John Bach
Thanks for that larkim. The heart rate before the start appeared reasonable, which makes me question whether it was a connection issue. For the 1st mile, given the pace (and mainly downhill gradient!) I'd have expected the average for the 1st mile to have been around 140bpm - when I saw it was clearly not right and not correcting itself I just made the decision to take off the strap and stick with the Garmin screen which did not have the current and average h/r, which I'd planned to refer to during the race! I'm thinking of just using the hrm for training from now on!!
Nov 2017
12:42pm, 2 Nov 2017
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I reckon if you'd left it for a mile or so you'd have had good data. But it is annoying if you're trying to lock into something and it fails like that!
Nov 2017
12:58pm, 2 Nov 2017
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K5 Gus
What did you do with the strap JB when you took it off ?

Even if you were wearing a small vest/rucksack to put it in, seems a right faff in the middle of a race, would have thought it might have been easier to just leave it on and change the watch screen so the HR data didn't show.
Nov 2017
1:05pm, 2 Nov 2017
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paul the builder
Sounds like you have the same issue as the rest of us occasionally do then, JB. And you were unlucky to see it for the first time on big race day. Perhaps because you were wearing it for a while before starting running, which I bet you normally don't do.

As lark says - it would probably (certainly!) have come right once you got a good sweat on. The values of 186-192 that you had in 0.3 to 0.5m would tie in with cadence running downhill at the start of a race, I bet. And I guess it was about half a mile in you decided to take it off?

You're lucky to have avoided that issue in training to date, I must say.
Nov 2017
1:50pm, 2 Nov 2017
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John Bach
Thanks chaps for the input. I think I took the strap off at about the mile marker. As I wasn't "racing" I had a bum bag with a few gels in and just put it in there and forgot about it! I have no idea about "cadence" - I've been reading the contents on the 3.15 thread with a bit of a glazed look. Heart rate on the other hand...getting a hrm and the Compleat Idiot book was one of the best things I did when starting this running lark in 2006 (plus following this thread in its early days!?)
Nov 2017
4:10pm, 2 Nov 2017
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My favourite is when I either put my strap in the panniers of my bike, and Garmin watch proceeds to tell me my heart rate is a pretty steady 65bpm as I pedal down the road, or when I run a parkrun/race without it but my Garmin then goes berserk picking up spurious readings from other people's HRMs! I've logged some *very* funny reading before now!
Nov 2017
4:15pm, 2 Nov 2017
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I had a dual BT / Ant+ one which was paired both with my watch and my wife's phone. I'd run parkrun, then jog back to support her to the finish whilst she was flat out, and her strava would start picking up my HR for the last half mile or so of the course.

I've never had mine overlap with someone elses "in the wild" as I thought they were either coded to pair with the watch specifically, or authorised via BT / Ant+ on the watch? Can't quite see how that could happen, but it clearly does!
Nov 2017
4:15pm, 2 Nov 2017
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Is that really possible? A friend at parkrun has claimed his watch picks up my footpod, but I'm sure Ant+ sensors have to be paired with a watch.
Nov 2017
4:33pm, 2 Nov 2017
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I've had it happen once; I'd factory reset my 610 and not got round to pairing my HRM. It beeped when someone ran past me going the other way, and it turned out it had paired to his sensor and recorded about 2 seconds of data. Very odd plot, that one.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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