Heart rate

300 watchers
Jun 2017
3:34pm, 29 Jun 2017
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I know I'm the bad sheep, but really - running at less than 128bpm? Isn't that called walking ;-)

The step I have made is around long runs, so I do try to limit myself to an average HR over the run of about 140 on a flat run (cf my experience with canalside running recently)

My cadence is already reasonably high (185-190) so that bit shouldn't be an issue.

I am also much better at just switching the watch onto the HR screen and leaving it there without dipping into pace, so I am making progress on this journey.

But it would be nice if there were a settled "right" way to look at HR - whether it is %ages of max or %ages of reserve or whatever.

Is the over-riding view here one or the other?
Jun 2017
3:37pm, 29 Jun 2017
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Did you say you use a max of 184 ? Thats the same as I use and an avge of 140 over an LR is about right for me although I will start out lower and finish the last few miles higher.

PS - running at 128 doesnt need to be walking, but it needs patience and practice.
Jun 2017
3:40pm, 29 Jun 2017
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My max is around the 180 mark and I can happily trot along on my easy efforts in the 112-118 range. If you're not finding this is possible without walking it may worth looking at either your base fitness or your running form, as an easy effort should be easy cardiovascularly as well as biomechanically.
Jun 2017
3:42pm, 29 Jun 2017
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Yes, 184 max. It was difficult to extract what I did last Sunday as the HRM was all over the place, but when I ran 20 along the canalside 5 weeks ago the progression wasn't so much a deliberate attempt to raise the HR a little towards the end as a drift based no trying to maintain a constant pace (I allowed for a few sec/mile to drift due to running back into a slight headwind). Average was 138 over the whole run / 8m28 pace.

Splits at each fifth mile were:-

5 8:23 8:23 133 (136) 1113 92 (94)
10 8:24 8:24 137 (139) 1151 93 (95)
15 8:33 8:33 142 (144) 1210 93 (94)
20 8:31 8:31 149 (152) 1269 93 (95)
Jun 2017
3:42pm, 29 Jun 2017
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It's probably psychological too flanker. I just get bored!
Jun 2017
3:43pm, 29 Jun 2017
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Training Log
Why do you get bored? runnings great.
Jun 2017
3:45pm, 29 Jun 2017
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And "easy" is such a subjective term. I "easily" ran 7m37 pace last night for 7.5 miles, but HR was in the mid 140s. It felt "easy". But clearly wasn't as easy as it could be, which is where I think HR comes into play - it gives you an objective measure of what is and what isn't easy, or at least a feeling to tune into.
Jun 2017
3:47pm, 29 Jun 2017
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I love running. I just don't love running at 9min/mile, it is (for me, on the roads) dull and unexciting (despite me living in a lovely location where those sorts of runs are on nice country lanes).

If I had my way I'd do all my running at about 7m30-7m50 as that feels natural, comfortable and enjoyable. But I know that doesn't get the best out of me come race day (which I also enjoy).
Jun 2017
4:00pm, 29 Jun 2017
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larkim - I asked same question here and got similar answers. I even emailed Brian Mac (him of coaching web site fame and one of the Uk's most respected coaches) and got an answer - and his answer, as with others is don't use the unmodified MHR one.

So I wouldn't use sub 70% of max HR as it's walking pretty much the whole time and the science I was taught on my coaching course and in my text books doesn't agree with, BUT I'm sure some are capable of it here.

I would use the Karvonen Modified Formula that others have recommended.

So Zone 2 with Karvonen modified comes out for me as :124-137 60%-70% HRR
Whereas MHR zone 2comes out as :105-123 60%-70% MHR

Also the Zone 2 Karvonen modified tends to match the WHR (working heart rate) formulas rather than max heart rate.

When I stand up to walk out of the door, even though my resting is between 43 and 48, my heart rate will go to 80. And when I walk at moderate pace up a hill it goes to 125. I do 2000 miles a year. I can run at 9.30-9.45 pace and keep my effort within the 124-137 band. The best I've achieved is avg 127 with a little practice, and that's on quite a hilly route, but I can normally keep it under 132 without too much problem and stay under 10 minute miling.
Jun 2017
4:04pm, 29 Jun 2017
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70% max doesnt need to be walking, you just need to be patient. Start at 75% max or 5k pace plus 3 minutes per mile and be patient

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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