Heart rate

301 watchers
Jan 2017
6:43pm, 17 Jan 2017
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SPR - I guess I just need to up my effort in races then, interestingly the one time I set my HRM to vibrate when I dropped below 170 (might have been 175), I got my 17:31 PB.

I might set it to 180 next time to see how I fare...probably give up by 3k if honest!
Jan 2017
6:51pm, 17 Jan 2017
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If your pace is dropping in the middle of races then that's definitely something to work on.

The thing is, your HR numbers are saying you can rub significantly faster but if you can't do the speed over shorter distances you won't be able to at longer distances whatever the HRM says.
Jan 2017
7:12pm, 17 Jan 2017
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going back a bit, racing a marathon at c88% max I think is quite achievable if you train appropriately and pace the race correctly
Jan 2017
7:22pm, 17 Jan 2017
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K5 Gus
My 2014 Manchester marathon was at an average of 89.2% of mhr ( assuming my max was correct of course ). Also happened to be the only marathon where I have got the pacing correct and not either died in last few miles, or went off too cautiously
Jan 2017
7:48pm, 17 Jan 2017
146 posts
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I can definitely hold my own over the shorter distances.

I wonder if the answers are in my running history. I'll have a try putting it in my words and you can see if it stacks up.

Played football at weekends until I was 37, decent standard, bit of pace but carrying a few extra pounds.

Started running more when youngest daughter was about 1, she's now 5.

In January 2015 I signed up (discounted through work for the Sheffield half and the Yorkshire marathon), got injured in February, ran in April around 1:40 off a max run of 8 miles. I won't have run more than 30 miles a week until started training a bit for the Yorkshire marathon in 2015, it was in this training period (more miles) my 5k PB dropped from 19:05, where I was stuck around, to 18:40(ish), and then a big drop to 18:05 2 weeks before York (during a slight taper).

Start of last year I did lots of intervals and not enough longer runs, my times stagnated around 18:10-18:50. Only during build up for York marathon again, when I started doing more miles it dropped again to sub 18. It then went to 17:43, and most recently NYE at 17:31.

I've been doing fairly consistent mileage since York, apart from a few weeks straight after when I had a foot injury. This has seen my pace improve at lower heart rates, I've lost a bit of weight, consistently around 13 stone rather than 13:4-13:6 before.

So I'm not used to running sub 6 minute miles, I'm trying to inch the HR up once a week on a Thursday, and I also run a shorter effort of a Saturday at parkrun, but I don't feel able/inclined to hammer out a training session at 170bpm for an hour, instead I'll inch it up until spring where hopefully I'll be ready to smash my HM PB and then concentrate on my 5/10k over the summer before ramping up the mileage again for an Autumn marathon.

Not sure if that helps? I'm hopeful I'm still improving and will do for a few years before I hit my mid forties...?
Jan 2017
8:44pm, 17 Jan 2017
23,419 posts
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Brunski - Have a play with this, put your max in then put a race time in for 5k till you get to the pace you'd run for the for the HRs you are quoting. Might help you understand why I think either the input or outputs are dodgy.

Jan 2017
9:10pm, 17 Jan 2017
234 posts
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SSLHP (Shoes smell like horse piss)

That looks like significant cardiac drift -over 20bpm for roughly the same pace

Man, you're a freak ;-)
Jan 2017
11:00pm, 17 Jan 2017
87 posts
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speedy rob
Thanks for all the advice & info on BPM for racing a marathon. The track is pucker, so by Dvorak’s sums my pace was even faster than me running faster than the fastest MP I could imagine achieving. Based on review of my HR during races, the P&D range for marathon pace, and Huntsman’s advice that 88% MHR would need very good conditioning, trying a lower HR seems sensible. I’ll try running @ 6:52/mile a week on Sunday, when I have 17 miles with 10 @ goal MP. That’s plenty of time to calculate what lane to run in for a round number of minutes every 3 or 4 laps.
Jan 2017
11:05pm, 17 Jan 2017
4,897 posts
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Baz - 250-300 miles a month for 3-4 months might enable me to run at 88%.

I would also be divorced.
Jan 2017
11:15pm, 17 Jan 2017
147 posts
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Not sure those figures stack up in the calculator if honest SPR. How can they generalise what paces you'll be running at different HR based on recent races, when it ignores the HR data you put in and picks an arbitrary figure as your max? I've read the Hadd phase I (base building stuff) and that clearly shows the progress in times at set HR.

Ive seen this personally on a route I've run twice, a hilly 10km that I ran in August 2.5 mins slower than I ran in the last few weeks (to the same effort level - within 1BPM, no dodgy readings on either run).

What I think I'm lacking, and working slowly on at present, is inching up my effort so I get more return from higher HR in the races....I've never raced an 800 or mile, but going by intervals I'd put myself around the 2:15-2:20 mark for an 800m

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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