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Jul 2022
7:06pm, 21 Jul 2022
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Ay up me duck
Anyone had/having problems with the recovery advisor ?
I had a refurb 235 from Garmin (12 months ago) and the advisor is carp. It usually say 3 days (or more) after a four mile steady run.

Today I did a test and drove out in the car, started the watch and after a mile stopped it. Guess what, Yes, I recorded my fastest mile ever @ 2.16, an average heart rate of 78bpm but the recovery advisor came up with 5 days... Even now as I sit here typing after an 8 second sit down it says 52 hours recovery....Thats proof that its not working as it should. Any ideas how it can be resolved ?
Jul 2022
7:14pm, 21 Jul 2022
23,515 posts
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My husband has a 235. He doesn't use it much but I could take it out next time I go out running, AUMD, and see what recovery it suggests.

Welcome to the Fetch forum, by the way.
Jul 2022
7:15pm, 21 Jul 2022
619 posts
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My fenix 6 always seems to have over 48 hours recovery time, I ignore it
Jul 2022
9:01pm, 21 Jul 2022
1,730 posts
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Steve NordRunner
It looks to me from your run on 20th that you have your maximum heart rate set too low, unless you really did run a 10 km a good deal of it over 95%max. If that is the case it will think you are busting a gut all the time and advise recovery appropriately.
Jul 2022
9:31pm, 21 Jul 2022
18,287 posts
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I don't pay all that much attention to it but adjusting your heart rate zones might help.
Jul 2022
10:50am, 22 Jul 2022
2,869 posts
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Welcome to the forums - I'm also in the habit of routinely ignoring the recovery suggestions from my Garmin (also a 235) though, in my case, it has an excuse for not having a clue as to what I'm doing. That excuse being that it only ever gets worn when I'm actually outside doing something - for the rest of the time, it's sat on a table and I'm functionally dead as far as its algorithms are concerned.

That anecdote is probably of limited help in itself but illustrates the wider point already alluded to that the software is doing whatever it does based on the data it has received over a prolonged period and your own settings. It if doesn't have sensible/representative inputs then it's not going to generate a sensible output.
Jul 2022
7:03pm, 22 Jul 2022
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I am the same CumbriAndy - I refuse to wear it all the time!
Jul 2022
7:38pm, 22 Jul 2022
7,231 posts
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Fizz :-)
I used to want to wear it, but after a few nights when it told me I’d slept right through, even though I’d got up for a wee, I decided it was for training only.
Jul 2022
1:28pm, 24 Jul 2022
8,876 posts
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I have a second hand 235, but take no notice of any of any stats my watch gives me except those it measures itself (distance, speed, HR - with chest strap). The rest is unreliable in my book. But, it does sound like something isn't quite right. Does it affect your usage of it for recording training, though?

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Maintained by Ay up me duck
Anyone had/having problems with the recovery advisor ?
I had a refurb 235 from Garmin (12 months ago) and the advisor is carp. It usually say 3 days (or more) after a four mile steady run.

Today I did a test and drove out in the car, started the watch and after a mile stopped it. Guess what, Yes, I recorded my fastest mile ever @ 2.16, an average heart rate of 78bpm but the recovery advisor came up with 5 days... Even now as I sit here typing after an 8 second sit down it says 52 hours recov...

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