Dec 2007
7:50am, 16 Dec 2007
1,081 posts
Kittenheels Kath
BB, if this doesn't deserve you to be the next Member of the Month, I'll eat my Garmin.
Mik the photos are great, you lovely lady, did the extra, er, padding keep you warmer than the rest of us?
I now realise that there were far more people there whose Fetch names I know but not faces. Must make more of an effort to 'circulate' next time. There will be a next time won't there? Oh go on, please?
Dec 2007
7:57am, 16 Dec 2007
8,099 posts
Good call Kath as he started the ball rolling for all the other miles too
Dec 2007
10:17am, 16 Dec 2007
1,677 posts
Just perusing the pictures mik....they are excellent....and I don't even look too bad in them.. I normally look horrible in all the running photos i see of me.
love the one of BB before we started in the santa hat and running in the santa hat.
Tpod and gordon G hugging was nice....didn't even know they did that...granted i still had a lap to go when they finished.
That is why these photos are so see things you missed!!!
Thanks for the brownie mik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 2007
11:05am, 16 Dec 2007
112 posts
Mikuro.... thanks for pictures ...
the 'challenge' between GordonG and Tpod and the post race embrace were fantastic... Well done to both
Dec 2007
11:13am, 16 Dec 2007
3,449 posts
Thanks BB and Mikuro - you got some great photos, I don't even look that bad in mine!
It was great to meet loads of new Fetchies, sorry if I didn't say hello to some of you, I didn't recognise a lot of people so I didn't really know what to say!
Dec 2007
11:28am, 16 Dec 2007
174 posts
It was great! Thanks to BB for organising it, Mikuro for pictures and lovely brownies, Tarange for the fetch vest and also just being generally very nice, DIY for introducing me to a load more people, everyone who helped with the timekeeping and clipboards and all that, Max for only calling me rubbish once, and everyone else too.
Dec 2007
12:12pm, 16 Dec 2007
178 posts
Great photos Mik. You even made it look like the sun was shinning.
Fetch 201 is my new wallpaper.
Dec 2007
12:17pm, 16 Dec 2007
327 posts
Great day, great event, massive thanks to BB for organising and to Mik for all those excellent flap jacks, num num!!
Well happy with the run, helped massively by JEJ superb pacing, cheers for that too!
Never have my legs hurt so much after a ran though, ouch!
Dec 2007
1:26pm, 16 Dec 2007
24 posts
Yesterday has persuaded me to hit the Sevenoaks track this morning with mini-Bex (3)- yesterday was my first time on the track since school days - managed 100m in 17s with my jeans on over my running leggings and my fleece on- think I maybe ought to concentrate more on shorter distances? any advice? mini-Bex did 400m in 4 min!!
Dec 2007
1:28pm, 16 Dec 2007
696 posts
Thanks for a great afternoon everyone - one of those days that makes you excited about going out to do more running. Can we do another one please?