Fetch Treasure Hunt

102 watchers
Mar 2020
8:42am, 27 Mar 2020
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It's already blogged, um.
Mar 2020
8:48am, 27 Mar 2020
1,950 posts
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ITG - I meant on the Guardian or NT site ITG.
Mar 2020
8:51am, 27 Mar 2020
8,736 posts
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lol, um, not sure they would print my one. It's a family show.
Mar 2020
9:00am, 27 Mar 2020
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Fantastic. Much of the pink blossom has disappeared from around where I live but I could submit some pictures taken at the beginning of the month. They could dedicate a special page just to Fetchie selfies or blossom with a Fetch buff strategically placed :-)
Mar 2020
9:04am, 27 Mar 2020
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The blossom has just suddenly blossomed here in the last few days. I was out running yesterday and I thought, "I must pop back out later today with my 'phone ... oh."
Mar 2020
9:24am, 27 Mar 2020
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My plans have been stymied, unfortunately. I had a route all worked out which included an interesting wall which was part of an old village lock-up located in the garden of a house in which Kenneth Grahame once lived. A two-for-one from the list. I was hoping there might be a blossoming tree there too. It also included a pub featured in Three Men in a Boat. However, this was going to be a commute and I'm now WFH. Coupled with that my niggly legs have told me not to run for a little while, so no late impromptu treasure hunt either!

Still enjoying all the blogs, though! :-)
Mar 2020
9:27am, 27 Mar 2020
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That's a shame Goofee - it sounded like a good one too.
Mar 2020
9:29pm, 28 Mar 2020
1,569 posts
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I posted photos for around half the categories earlier this month, but got distracted and the end of the month is approaching, so here are a few more.

There are a lot of interesting looking old walls in York, so I decided to go with new and odd instead.

One shortish segment of York’s surrounding wall repeated over and over again on hoarding surrounding a building site. It messes with the head a little when you walk past.

Then the other day I had to go into town to pick up the part of a prescription which was out of stock when I went to get it filled. I got to the shop and the doorman said that the prescription counter was being sanitised, and I should come back in twenty minutes. Twenty minutes spent wandering around the centre of York, with an amazing lack of people and lots of time to stand and stare meant I noticed something on one building I’d never spotted before, despite passing it hundreds (probably) of times. It’s an old house, now a shop:

and it has a date on the front: 1424.

So why, when you zoom in on the carved beam, is there an image of a T. Rex?*

* Okay, probably a sea monster of some sort, but doesn’t it look like a T. Rex?

I hope the image numbers are correct, or this post will make no sense at all. 🤞
Mar 2020
10:11pm, 28 Mar 2020
26,002 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Mar 2020
10:34pm, 28 Mar 2020
1,570 posts
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Do you mean the one on the left?

About This Thread

Maintained by um
Rules and history fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=564

October 2024 - LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
1: autumn leaf - red
2: autumn leaf - yellow
3: misty morning/fog
4: the biggest (or best) fungus
5: acorns & conkers
6: shortening days
7: shadows of the evening
8: harvest
9: crisp
10: Hallowe'en

September 2024 - cackleberry
Here you go, and a bonus point got getting the theme
[ ] Hill/Mountain

[ ] Wood/forest
[ ] Public convenience

[ ] Trig point
[ ] Boundary
[ ] Bridge
[ ] Bridlepath
[ ] Youth hostel
[ ] Telephone box
[ ] Compass bearing

August 2024 - um
1) 5 rings
2) Long
3) High
4) Triple
5) 100
6) 10,000
7) Hammer
8) Hurdle
9) Marathon
10) Medal

July 2024 - Sweetie
1) Sun
2) Sea or C
3) Sand
4) Ruby
5) Water lily / lily
6) Anyone for tennis?
7) Independence
8) Dog days
9) Kebab (12th July is world kebab day apparently!)
10) Let the games begin

June 2024 - cackleberry
N to Z (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)

May 2024 - cackleberry
A to M (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)
(and you can guess what's coming for June)

April 2024 - cackleberry
Colours of the rainbow.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet (Purple)
- Black
- White

March 2024 - Autumnleaves
1. Daffodils
2. Beware!
3. Easter
4. Lion
5. Lamb
6. Hedgerow
7. Egg
8. Palm Sunday
9. Mother's Day
10. Clock

February 2024 - Ultracat
1. Year of the Dragon
2. Hearts
3. Sign of Spring
4. Traditional or modern
5. Amethyst (purple)
6. 2 Fish
7. Water feature
8. Olympics
9. Ginger
10. Fat Thursday (Tłusty czwartek).

The rest of January 2024, Chrisity
5 (or more) intresting things within a mile of your house

12 Days of Christmas, Reiver
Day 1 25th : Your festive meal
Day 2 26th : Santa Claus
Day 3 27th : A Christmas window
Day 4 28th : Holly & Ivy
Day 5 29th : An outdoor Christmas tree
Day 6 30th : Six geese a laying
Day 7 31st : 'that's crackers!'
Day 8 1st : A New Year’s Day activity
Day 9 2nd : Back to normal
Day 10 3rd : The most dishevelled decoration
Day 11 4th : FIRE

November 2023, cackleberry
1. A nice bridge
2. Clouds
3. Post activity treat
4. Remembrance
5. Body part
6. Sculpture
7. Black and white
8. The letter S
9. Trio
10. Happy Birthday to Cackleberry!!

Watch out for an update for another Xmas special!
Conspiracy theory? There may be another badge

October 2023, Mandymoo
1. A rainbow
2. A carved pumpkin
3. A worm
4. Your favorite cake
5. A witch
6. A bucket
7. A JCB/Digger
8. Something blowing
9. Something bumpy
10. Something wet

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  • fun
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