If you’d like to take part here are some instructions for the 2022 edition of Fetch Secret Santa:
1) Send an Fmail to geordiegirl with the name and address you want your parcel sent to by 1st November.
Please indicate if you’re ok to post to an overseas fetchie.
2) We don’t have a group now so I’ve added a tab to the spreadsheet for hints tips and allergies. Link here Spreadsheet Link Here
docs.google.com 3) Be Involved..... Please try not to go AWOL the buying of a SS gift is a lovely thing to do but going quiet on the thread/blogs can make it difficult. We’re not asking you to be specific but a few hints around what things make you tick, what you like / enjoy makes it that bit easier and hopefully gets you something you would like.
Of course the main aim is stalking so subtle hints are fine!
4) if you have allergies or particular dislikes then feel free to put them in the group.....
When you receive the details of your victim:
5) Stalk said victim and determine their interests.
Hint.. you can see what threads your victim posts to by typing the below in Google or whatever
VictimsFetchName site:www.fetcheveryone.com
6) Purchase gift(s) you think they will like, we have suggested £10 but up to you and remember handmade gifts are perfect too. It’s the thought that counts.
7) I’m suggesting you post the gift by 1st December as this has helped a successful SS in previous years & we do have to contend with postal strikes this year too. But you can also add an update to the spreadsheet and keep your elf updated so we can let your victim know they’ve not been forgotten. If you are posting overseas please bear in mind it can take longer than UK post.
8) Wait by your post box for your gift.
9) Sit on hands until the big day! No cheating!
On the big day:
10) Open your gift and share with everyone what you got on the thread.
Spreadsheet Link Here