Sep 2016
9:47am, 8 Sep 2016
6 posts
Hello again. So we are still TTC (loving the acronyms and before anyone asks I have not been spending any time on mumsnet :)). I'm currently logging on two fertility apps, Ovia and Fertility Friend. I'm fascinated by the data and the charts (I am a data geek), why did they not teach us all this stuff in school? I'm using BBT and OPKs and looks like today is the start of my fertile phase, (CD7) with OD being predicted around CD11. The flashy smiley face on the OPK this morning put a smile on mine and my husbands face
Sep 2016
5:13pm, 9 Sep 2016
10,979 posts
Glad you're having fun with it TOTT I too liked science behind it all but there's a lot of luck and chance thrown in too, which irritated me! Ahem, have a lovely weekend!
Sep 2016
1:59pm, 10 Sep 2016
First-time poster!!
Hello Does everyone log all this information and do all this science stuff? I'm just starting this but was just planning on relying on it to happen. Is that too optimistic and does all the knowing times etc make a lot of difference? I have no data or charts just now!
This is perhaps in case nothing does happen so I'm trying not to get too excited. You can never guarantee it can you?
Sep 2016
5:43pm, 10 Sep 2016
7 posts
Hi Tri-ing. I'm only doing it as I'm in my 40s and want to give myself the best chance of conceiving. But it can be useful to know when you ovulate as that is your one chance each month.
Sep 2016
8:14pm, 11 Sep 2016
1,507 posts
Hi tri-ing and TooOldtotri and welcome. Not everyone does the sciencey thing. But I found it interesting. And if you have any restrictions on when you can 'try', I think it's definitely worth know when you ovulate so you can focus your efforts at the right time... Good luck to you all.
Sep 2016
10:57pm, 12 Sep 2016
86 posts
We didn't go into too much depth with working out my cycle but looked at the likely window and worked around that. That said I'd had blood tests to work out if I was ovulating - initially I wasn't producing enough of the right hormones and was prescribed Clomid to help stimulate things - so I had a good idea of when the right time was...although we only got that info after 20 months of trying and it took another four to get the timing right
My little boy will be 10 weeks old tomorrow! Recovery from the c-section is progressing, although I wonder if my core muscles will ever work properly again, but the SPD pain is still with me so I still can't walk far or fast so a return to running is a long way off :/ The positive bit is that Emrys is proving to be a really easy baby as we've had a number of nights where he's slept through, has taken to breastfeeding well and only cries when he needs a nappy change or is hungry. He had a poo explosion earlier and didn't fuss much about it and was soon back to big cheesy grins.
Sep 2016
10:30pm, 13 Sep 2016
5,050 posts
I didn't have a clue. I had to guess my due date as well because I couldn't remember when my last period was. I'm a bit haphazard like that generally in life though.
Good to hear he's a little angel UltraCas 10 weeks is a lovely time, smiles are starting but they're still sleepy little newborns Glad you're enjoying it
Sep 2016
5:17pm, 21 Sep 2016
First-time poster!!
Hi, another one TTC here. It's hard because you don't know how long it will take so life feels kind of on hold.
I'm a little concerned knowing all the time that I *might* be pg. So I'm not sure what sort of exercise is ok or not ok. I do normally run a lot, every day, and I do some long distance runs. I'm worried that doing my 800m reps etc not knowing I'm pg might hurt the baby, or make it not happen, and the same with long runs- should I maybe not run so long just now? I also do HIIT gym classes- should I stop them already?
And same during the pregnancy, what kind of exercise did people do, and until when. I'd like to still keep fit, but not damage either of us, or make it not happen.
I'm not sure where else to go for advice really, doctors will surely just say don't do much, as they are so cautious aren't they?
Sep 2016
9:16pm, 21 Sep 2016
5,058 posts
I was 7 weeks before I knew. I'd done track sessions, long bike rides and some serious swim sets. Exercise is fine and possibly beneficial. The only types that are cautioned against are ones where there's a higher risk of falling - skiing, horse riding, mountain biking etc. Some people who have higher risk pregnancies are advised to stop exercising but generally the advice is to keep doing what you were doing unless it feels uncomfortable.
I swam up until a few days before I went into labour. Cycled until I was about 5 months and ran until about 7 months.
I found that my body physically stopped me from going too hard. The first thing I noticed was that if I tried any hard efforts I would feel a bit sick and I got breathless really easily so had to slow down. I think I was more than 2 months pregnant before that started happening though.
The best way to get pregnant is to book a big race for about 9 months time! I ended up having to defer all sorts of stuff!
Sep 2016
7:28am, 22 Sep 2016
1,705 posts
Elsie Too
I had a great couple of weeks of running where I got a 1 mile pb, then a 10km pb, then I ran 10 miles with Eddie Izzard, then I did a 9 mile leg of RNR faster than I thought possible. I was ridiculously emotional after RNR and had no idea why. A few days later I found out I was pregnant, and had been through all that. A couple of weeks later I got very bad morning sickness and did not manage to run for the rest of my pregnancy. I advise making the most of the time that you can run, your body will soon stop you if it gets too much. Good luck.