Aug 2016
11:35am, 16 Aug 2016
84 posts
Hello TooOldtoTri! I'm 41 and my husband is 10 years older and it took us two years to conceive but I have a number of gynae issues so you may have better luck than us. With regard to risks, I had a low risk pregnancy until 35 weeks when I was diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension but that can happen to anyone and isn't age related. I expected to be considerably older than the mums in my pregnancy yoga group but actually I wasn't the oldest and being a first time mum in your forties appears to be a growing trend, so best of luck with your journey.
Aug 2016
1:46pm, 16 Aug 2016
2 posts
Thank you UC. It does seem more women are having babies in their 40's. It's quite strange getting my head around this decision we have made as I have to admit I had sort of accepted that we wouldn't have children (that is assuming I can get pregnant). Looking into as much as possible about getting and being pregnant. I have instructed my other half to get some folic acid when he goes shopping tonight.
Aug 2016
1:46pm, 16 Aug 2016
10,946 posts
TooOldtoTri I had my last aged 39. I think if you're fit and healthy then you will be OK. as regards getting pregnant in the first place, go and see your GP with your other half, they will advise you on things like reducing alcohol and caffeine and staying healthy/relaxed. But you may want to look into fertility treatment sooner rather than later, if you wait until you've been trying for 6 months then there's a waiting list etc etc then it will all be taking a long time. After 40 it is harder for sure so ask for advice and help sooner! Very best of luck, enjoy trying
Aug 2016
1:52pm, 16 Aug 2016
3 posts
Thanks Jude. I did wonder if I should see the GP. I don't know that we will look at fertility treatment though. We both agree that we will try and if it happens then great (and it won't be an unplanned mistake) but if it doesn't happen then that would be ok too.
Aug 2016
8:47pm, 16 Aug 2016
85 posts
TooOldtoTri...meant to say that I never wanted kids until I got to my late 30s so you're not the only one to change your mind!
Aug 2016
5:16pm, 17 Aug 2016
4 posts
I bought an ovulation test kit today. Hopefully it will provide some idea as to the best time.
Has anyone else used one to gauge when the best time is to get pregnant?
Aug 2016
10:59am, 19 Aug 2016
5,028 posts
Best of luck TOTT, my better half worked out the best time for it but I have no idea if she used a kit or not. So I have been no help really.
We had the 20 week scan yesterday. Mrs Bloom a bit concerned prior to it as had felt little movement but that turns out to be because the Placenta is at the front, which is acting as a barrier. All measurements etc were bang in the middle of where they need to be, apparently, so everything going very well
Aug 2016
11:55am, 19 Aug 2016
13,207 posts
Hello all, hope everyone is feeling and doing well and bumps are growing nicely? I'm not very active on Fetch anymore, but trying to change that.
I can also announce that after several IVF treatments bubba #2 is on his/her way, my due date is February, 20th. We're so happy and very grateful.
Aug 2016
11:59am, 19 Aug 2016
5,031 posts
Aug 2016
12:07pm, 19 Aug 2016
13,212 posts
Thank you.
TOTT, I had my first baby just before my 40th and this 2nd one will arrive when I'm 42, you're definitely not alone. I did try ovulation kits as well, but they turned out to always be too late. So I read into ovulation and its symptoms on the Internet and discovered that it's quite easy to recognise, really you should "have you bit of fun" in the days just before you ovulate. My fertility doctor advised every other day, between day 8 and 16 of the cyclus. Sadly that still didn't work for us, as it turned out I have serious damage to my uterus as a result from the C-section that was done to deliver our little girl. Good luck!! (By the wat, if you were to use ovulation kits, our hospital/clinic advises ClearBlue Digital (the one with the smiley face).