Jan 2016
1:11pm, 23 Jan 2016
921 posts
Congrats UltraCas! I'm still running at the moment (32 weeks)but i slowed it down from early on, even though I felt OK. Now I just can't help but be slow!
Jan 2016
3:39pm, 23 Jan 2016
4,795 posts
Congratulations! The header is filling up again
I ran to feel, rather than heart rate. I don't heart rate train normally so didn't know what my 'normal' was anyway. I found I couldn't push very hard anyway - anything more than a 7 effort wise made me feel sick. I just listened to my body.
I ran up until 34 weeks when it just became impossible. I was only a little slower than normal up until about 4 months and then I got slow fast!
Jan 2016
10:19pm, 23 Jan 2016
8,431 posts
A very belated congratulations to you Oysterboy! How are you doing with your breastfeeding? I was never good at fixing the issues we had early on about breastfeeding and I think my baby felt that and responded to it.
Congratulations to NBFS and UltraCas!!! All these babies are making me broody again.
Jan 2016
9:27pm, 25 Jan 2016
13,663 posts
Congrats NBFS and UltraCas And BTW 13 July is a most excellent birthday
I became an auntie again this week, my older brother and wife had their first baby. And we thought we were old parents Made me realise I'm deffo happy to stop after two!
Feb 2016
5:42pm, 1 Feb 2016
55 posts
I am beginning to see the upside to all the gynae problems I have had in the past as I got an extra scan at six weeks to check my pregnancy wasn't ectopic and today I had to have my cervix checked and got an unexpected extra scan to see Piglet and heard the heartbeat too
I was quite stressed about what was going to happen at work while I'm off on mat leave as my deputy has just been poached by another team but I found out last week that if she hadn't gone voluntarily I'd have been making her redundant this week - eek! So my new approach is pragmatism - I cannot do her job and mine so I will prioritise what's important and ditch the rest. I think approach will serve me well in the next few months.
*Waves* to Suzy...don't suppose you remember me but we met very briefly years ago at an ORR club night. I changed jobs so never actually got round to joining but if you're still living in the same place, I'm not far away.
Feb 2016
4:46pm, 2 Feb 2016
922 posts
*waves* to UltraCas 6.5 more work days left til mat leave....not that I'm counting down now! Hope everyone is well!
Feb 2016
5:20pm, 5 Feb 2016
16,968 posts
Excellent news to everyone! I'm still here. K is struggling, but they've seen her at the hospital now and referred her to the specialist to see if they can make it all a little bit more comfortable. She had a lovely time with me and the boy in Amsterdam, but haa awful pain with any time she tries to walk, now.
Still a fair way to go, too. 12 weeks?
A colleague of mine just became a granddad. It was hellish, apparently. He wants to talk about it, but I can't beat listening.
Feb 2016
6:36am, 11 Feb 2016
4,071 posts
Wine Legs
Morning all. Had a scan yesterday to check the growth of the twins...I've been having these every two weeks since December, when they discovered Squeak was a bit titchy.
Anyway, in previous scans, things have been going well...Pip's growth was slowing & Squeak's was ramping up. All moving in the right direction.
And then at yesterday's scan, it all went a bit pear-shaped again. In the past two weeks, Pip has gained >500g (1lb in old money), whereas Squeak has put on less than half that.
The result of this is now monitoring every second day: Friday, Monday, another scan Wednesday and then I will be induced next Friday, 19th Feb. I *should* still be OK for a natural birth as they're both head down, although neither is engaged yet.
I'd quite like to avoid being induced, so does anyone
Feb 2016
6:38am, 11 Feb 2016
4,072 posts
Wine Legs
...have any bright ideas as to how I can encourage this as much as possible?
So far, I have: - raspberry leaf tea (started drinking it) - acupuncture (will call someone today)
(Prematurely hit submit on my phone keypad in that last post)
Feb 2016
6:59am, 11 Feb 2016
986 posts
Ummmm. (*wispers* sex)