Jan 2016
7:25pm, 4 Jan 2016
4,781 posts
Get used to that feeling OB. I was a fairly hard nut until I had Sylvie. I cry at literally everything now. A few days after she was born I was listening to the radio and Somewhere Out There was played, which is the song from An American Tail. I was in floods of tears!
I have to turn over when the charity adverts come on at the moment
Jan 2016
7:35pm, 4 Jan 2016
1,502 posts
Great news about Heidi. Hope she can come home soon. Have they looked for a tongue tie as to why it is tricky for her to feed or do they think its just early sleepy baby?
Yep, defo understand about the hormones. I can cry at most things at the moment. Had a complete meltdown this week about why on earth we are doing this again, how on earth are we going to cope and about how Harry's world is about to be tipped upside down. Strange when the baby has been so longed for but I think reality is starting to hit and the memories of the difficult times when life with Harry is just starting to get easier. Normal for 2nd pregnancy?
Jan 2016
7:38pm, 4 Jan 2016
1,128 posts
the vicious chicken
All sounds very positive, OB! Well done, Heidi
Hooray for hormones, though, eh? It's funny how the little things get you. (And I'm now having flashbacks to that milk fridge and the endless supply chain of tiny bottles, in and out... Busiest room in nicu!)
Jan 2016
9:37pm, 4 Jan 2016
10,660 posts
Ugh the emotions of expressed milk. It's so hard! Josh would t feed to begin with either, he hadn't developed his suckling reflex. Took a week of dropping expressed milk into his milk from a syringe, topping up with formula and having one on one tuition from a lovely breastfeeding Specialist in hospital and eventually he latched on and we went full boob. I carried on expressing though which meant I got a tiny bit more sleep as daddy did a dream feed every night, I could sleep from about 9pm to around 1 from really early days. I did all the crying too and still do. The hormones stay forever!
Jan 2016
10:03am, 5 Jan 2016
1,486 posts
hormone levels drop through the floor 3-5 days after you give birth so its perfectly normal to feel especially weepy at this time. Heidi sounds like she is doing brilliantly, hopefully you can get the hang of breastfeeding soon.
Jan 2016
3:39pm, 5 Jan 2016
10,477 posts
And we're off to transitional care and one step closer to escape from this place. No idea how long they'll keep me there. Not long I hope, I'm actually starting to go mad.
Jan 2016
3:43pm, 5 Jan 2016
16,870 posts
Belated congrats from me, OB. I've been off and about gallivanting for the weekend. Hope you both get home soon.
Jan 2016
9:45am, 6 Jan 2016
13,646 posts
Good luck OB. And do search out specialist BF support. Best money I ever paid was to an IBCLC lactation consultant. Never even knew they existed!
And yeah, hormones at this point are tough enough let alone still being in. BC is right though - I (and Mr T) cry at anything and everything since the girls were born!
Hope transitional don't need to keep you too long.
Jan 2016
2:44pm, 10 Jan 2016
674 posts
Congratulations OB - only just catching up! Hope you have been discharged by now and you and Heidi and Mr OB are all doing well.
Jan 2016
4:34pm, 10 Jan 2016
10,674 posts
How are you doing neems? x