Jun 2008
1:08pm, 18 Jun 2008
7,371 posts
Puffing Bertie
I did 3 orrienteering courses last weekend as part or the Rat Race...........i now want find some more near where i live
Jun 2008
1:24pm, 18 Jun 2008
3,410 posts
Llama, its not a question of physical stamina. The navigation becomes extremely difficult as you get physically tired. The open moorland will be technical navigation, probably using alot of contour features. I don't doubt you are capable of the distance... Just don't underestimate the technical challenge. Getting lost is innevitable at some point but its best to put it off for as long as you can! No shame whatsoever in doing a shorter course. I would also advise you find a local colour-coded event and do a more challenging course before you do the big event. {I know I sound a bit bossy but I wouldn't want a potential convert to the Dark Side to get put off :P}
Moorland V forest... it really does depend on the area but I often find that moorland can be more technical but you can sometime spot the control from a distance away whereas in forest areas you often have more features to play with but you control might be completely hidden from view until you are standing on it!
Barky, yay I hope you enjoy it!
Flip, Bertie... Check out British Orienteering for events near you. Also join the group And have a look at the article I wrote about going to your first event.
Jun 2008
1:25pm, 18 Jun 2008
3,411 posts
ooops sorry Barky, misread you post! There will be others... go do one, you'll not regret it.
Jun 2008
1:40pm, 18 Jun 2008
3,412 posts
Llama, misread {why does work keep getting in the way of fetch...honestly} I thought you were saying you were off to do the massive long course! I panicked and got all condescending. My apologies
without going to look at the website again, you will be fine on the medium one but I would still get in some practice beforehand.
I'm going to go do my work now and stop causing trouble.
Jun 2008
1:51pm, 18 Jun 2008
98 posts
I did a few trail challenges in south london last summer & did my first proper O a couple of weeks ago in the peeing down rain on Putney Heath. It was great! I would join my local club but am moving to south wales in a few weeks so will try it again down there if i can find a club.
PB - if you're in south london look at sloweb.org.uk for nearby events.
Jun 2008
2:13pm, 18 Jun 2008
46 posts
RooA, not despairing quite yet. Trust you are coming over the hills to Stockport on Sunday for a run around the town centre race?
Barky, you can use GPS but not for navigation, just for recording where you've been afterwards. Only things you can use for route finding are map, compass,brain. Any one of these three missing or not engaged and you're stuffed. And don't do what a male 40 y old clubmate did recently which was pick up the wrong map. He got part way round before realising he had the map for a 21 y old elite female!!!
Jun 2008
2:14pm, 18 Jun 2008
5,174 posts
Noooo Roo, I'm not that daft Not sure I can get practice in beforehand, all the local events have finished now until the Autumn. I'll chat to my orienteer mates and see which they reckon is the best one for me to do. No need to apologise.
*does the FetchFlounce*
Jun 2008
2:35pm, 18 Jun 2008
343 posts
imo moorland tends to be easier navigation than forests (certainly following bearings is easier) and I like to be able to see features from a distance, but some people find it harder. Parkland is probably the least technical terrain. Pine forests with very rugged topography are (imo) the worst.
Jun 2008
2:53pm, 18 Jun 2008
7,373 posts
Puffing Bertie
thanks roo and barky
Jun 2008
9:49pm, 18 Jun 2008
2,508 posts
did my first green course this-evening. One of the controls was mis-labelled and caused at least 10 minutes of searching for the missing version of the same! All good fun.