Aug 2020
3:27pm, 6 Aug 2020
2,077 posts
J2R we definitelly get Swifts coming into the Res to roost and then departing together the following morning in a way that suggests that they do migrate in groups.
A sizeable group of House Martins overhead this morning. They seem to be moving through now, often with Sand Martins in amongst them. I think the Res is the equivalent of a motorway service station with adjacent Travellodge.
Aug 2020
8:32pm, 6 Aug 2020
17,252 posts
I could hear swifts this morning somewhere around Ling Fell - but I couldn't see them.. Here, a little north of Fellbarrow there is a really large squadron of swallows, catching the flying ants (? lots of them today) at times and then sitting on the phone lines and planning their trip to warmer climes the rest of the day. Don't think I've ever seen quite so many in one place,
Aug 2020
8:47pm, 6 Aug 2020
2,078 posts
You can almost hear the debate and conflicting advice to the youngsters as to whether it's quicker going east or west of Andorra 😀
What was wierd was being down at the Cape of Good Hope about 10 years ago in March watching them gathering in a similar fashion before heading north.
Aug 2020
9:12pm, 6 Aug 2020
1,665 posts
Last swifts seen on Monday, I keep checking the skies
Aug 2020
8:17pm, 7 Aug 2020
1,279 posts
Finally got a decent picture.
Also saw a couple of swifts and a little egret.
Aug 2020
8:27am, 8 Aug 2020
4,057 posts
The only Swifts I'll see now will be lingering migrants. This year in my locality, despite the cleaner air during lockdown, has been the worst year ever for aerial species. I've only seen a single Swift and Swallow!
Aug 2020
8:32am, 8 Aug 2020
44,880 posts
Derby Tup
Swifts still in Burnsall and Hebden in Wharfedale last night. As many as I’ve seen and heard all year
Aug 2020
4:54pm, 8 Aug 2020
1,667 posts
Superb stroll along the river, teeming with wildlife. Huge flocks os sandwich terns, oystercatchers and cormorants. First numbers of curlew, godwit and lapwings. Loads of turnstones hunting along the banks. Plenty of swallows and house martins. Fabulous walk, the terns especially I've never seen in such numbers.
And one mystery bird. What do young black headed gulls look like? Was with them, similar size and shape, tsn coloured, with a pale belly and a pale neck, in shape its colourings were similar to a ringed plover, just the wrong colour and size. Anyone any ideas? My guess is young black headed gull until I hear a better idea
Aug 2020
4:55pm, 8 Aug 2020
28,015 posts
Wriggling Snake
Still hearing swifts here but yes they seem to sound as if they are deciding when to go, I was surprised to still hear them.
Aug 2020
4:59pm, 8 Aug 2020
2,886 posts
bonners, sounds like a great walk! Did a rather dull walk in Norfolk countryside, with few bird sightings except for one, coming across some wrens which had obviously just fledged today. Delightful!