Oct 2019
8:56pm, 2 Oct 2019
21,028 posts
Red Squirrel
I'm down south and still hearing and seeing chiffchaffs.
Oct 2019
8:53am, 3 Oct 2019
4,924 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Adult moorhen wandering around the garden this morning with a juvenile tagging along behind.
Oct 2019
8:57am, 3 Oct 2019
4,925 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Make that 2 juveniles.
Oct 2019
10:47am, 3 Oct 2019
3,481 posts
A single Fieldfare spent the summer on Fair Isle. Small groups of Mistle Thushes aren't unusual around here (up to a half dozen) but double figures pretty rare.
I expect a Chiffchaff or two ( down here in
Cardiff) until mid October... Buzzards "mewing" at first light along the trails this morning.
Oct 2019
11:59am, 3 Oct 2019
34,567 posts
Derby Tup
Berries incredible everywhere on drive through to East Lancs this morning. Saw some medium size birds on one bush but they were starlings. One house martin yesterday in Huddersfield visiting a nest still
Oct 2019
12:22pm, 3 Oct 2019
13,721 posts
Peewit Peeewiiit
about a dozen or so lapwings returning to flock on the field where there used to be 100s (1000s?) of them. Hopefully, the numbers will be up on last year when I only saw the odd one or two that I think are here all year (?)
Oct 2019
9:31am, 4 Oct 2019
3,487 posts
What a treat Rosehip. I very rarely see Lapwings and locally only once in twenty years. I have a fond memory of breeding Lapwings way back in the 1960's when I saw an egg hatching in a field --where of course they no longer visit.
Oct 2019
11:46am, 4 Oct 2019
13,724 posts
I remember them all over the family fields (Lincolnshire fens) back in the 60s/70s. When we came here (25 yrs ago) they would flock in huge numbers one one particular field and the layby on the A1 would be full of people taking photos. Then one year they just didn't come back That field is where the Pinky geese feed now. There are a couple of pairs that I think hang around all year. Yesterday's sighting of a bigger group was a real treat.
Oct 2019
2:35pm, 4 Oct 2019
2,309 posts
Big flocks of lapwings were a thing for me as a boy as well, in the low farmland of south west Lancs. Fortunately they're still reasonably numerous in Norfolk, although numbers way down on what there once were.
Oct 2019
2:42pm, 4 Oct 2019
1,347 posts
Very driech morning here today but the advantage of this time of year is that surprises turn up to brighten even greyest day. This morning it was the first Salvonian Grebe for 7 years and a very obliging one at that. It came so close inshore that the guys with the big lenses were having to back pedal to get it in focus! There had also been a Grey Phal seen but that cleared off before more than 2 or 3 had seen it.
Yesterday up on the Mam Tor ridge I spotted a lone Wheateater which was a pleasant surprise. I thought they'd all gone now.