Jul 2017
3:52pm, 3 Jul 2017
613 posts
I love seeing the little families of birds feeding together at this the time of year. We have families of blue tits, great tits and blackbirds feeding in our garden at the moment.
This morning I sat for a while on a bench by the route I run most days, in light woodland overlooking a lake, and was intrigued by a small group of 6-7 warblers moving around in the willow tree above my head. I didn't get a great view, not having my binoculars with me, but from what I could see, I would imagine they were garden warblers with their quasi-adult young. They were slightly bigger than chiffchaffs or willow warblers, which would have been my assumption, and I've certainly heard garden warblers there before. Rather charming! Meanwhile out on the lake, Mr and Mrs G C Grebe were leading their family around.
Jul 2017
7:50am, 4 Jul 2017
23,176 posts
Derby Tup
Ringed plover, redshank, oystercatcher (plus very cool 'teenager'), common sandpiper and snipe spotted last night with bonus little owl
Jul 2017
3:26pm, 4 Jul 2017
1,988 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Sitting in the garden and suddenly a bird which was probably a sparrowhawk suddenly went for some birds in one of the apple trees. It did four circuits of the tree chasing something then flew off. Now I have a very upset wren making one a hell of a noise. 😄
Jul 2017
5:03pm, 4 Jul 2017
15,481 posts
Wriggling Snake
Little Egret. Wooton Bridge IoW
Jul 2017
9:33pm, 4 Jul 2017
17,136 posts
baby moorhens, baby coots, kingfisher, GCG with a huge fish, tens of unseen chiffchaffs and a pair of terns of either arctic or common variety down at MCP on tonight's recovery walk. Of course I had decided to leave the camera at home...
Jul 2017
10:57am, 6 Jul 2017
1,803 posts
Three dead young birds in the swallow nest in my shed this morning. I'm guessing it is to do with the rain we've been having over the last week, it was especially bad Monday and Tuesday; it didn't stop all day. They were so close to fledging.
I think that there were at least 4, maybe 5 young hatched, but I didn't look closely, and judging by the way the parents are acting, it is possible they have fledged at least one.
Still sad, especially since the nest was just above where I store my hen food, so I saw them at least twice a day, right from when they laid the eggs.
I'm hoping the bats in my roof are doing better.
Jul 2017
11:35am, 6 Jul 2017
1,995 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
That's sad. I found a dead juvenile bluetit yesterday, I don't think it was the cat's doing as it was in one piece so I think it might have flown into the window.
Jul 2017
1:20pm, 6 Jul 2017
273 posts
Loads more curlew along the river today, pleasantly surprised to see lapwings around as well. Saw about five different shelduck broods, all at very different stages.
Jul 2017
10:55pm, 6 Jul 2017
908 posts
Stonechat. Chatting as I struggled to run up a very steep and sandy hill. Beautiful bird, great route, very slow runner.
Jul 2017
8:04am, 7 Jul 2017
23,183 posts
Derby Tup
Male stonechat is (imho) a very handsome bird plus one of the species (like mipits, skylark, golden plover, peregrine, godwit) that invariably mean I'm in my 'outdoor element'