May 2017
7:52am, 19 May 2017
22,867 posts
Derby Tup
Pelagic seabirds are ace. Gannets, puffins, frigate birds, albatross - simply awesome. I'm packing up my life and moving to a stormy cliff top overlooking the ocean any minute now (err, possibly)
May 2017
10:13am, 19 May 2017
17,455 posts
When I was little kittiwakes were one of my first birding loves
May 2017
10:13am, 19 May 2017
17,456 posts
And terns, terns are ace too
May 2017
11:31am, 19 May 2017
1,686 posts
Sea watching is great but only good (at least here along the Bristol Channel) following gales and nasty weather! Used to tolerate it in my youth but ..ugh these days!
May 2017
8:51am, 20 May 2017
816 posts
Barn owl last night. We don't have many, that is only the 3rd I've ever seen in Northern Ireland!
May 2017
8:58am, 20 May 2017
22,879 posts
Derby Tup
Ace spot Heinzster. They aren't common in our area but I've seen them a few miles to the East and one quite close in winter, which I suspect was a visitor. Fabulous birds
May 2017
9:24am, 20 May 2017
421 posts
I am seeing a lot more Goldfinches this year than I have for a very long time. Are their numbers on the increase? I hope so, these are such beautiful birds.
May 2017
9:56am, 20 May 2017
22,882 posts
Derby Tup
Goldfinch are common here. Maybe more numerous than chaffinch. Good news is I'm seeing more greenfinch now than of late
May 2017
3:12pm, 20 May 2017
508 posts
Goldfinches are the commonest birds in our garden. Not too sure whether there's been a big increase in their numbers, or whether they have just moved into towns and cities a lot more (as blackbirds did not so long ago), but it's extraordinary to think that maybe 20 years ago they were a rare sighting in my garden.
Conversely, a couple of days ago I saw in my garden a species I've only seen 3 times in the 8 years I've lived in my current house - a house sparrow! Where I lived before, about half a mile away, they were extremely common. More extraordinarily, they're extremely common only 200 metres from here! And in fact, I heard them chirping away from the garden of a house two doors away this morning. But they never come to my garden! They are bizarrely local in their habits.
May 2017
8:12pm, 20 May 2017
2,066 posts
154 Rob
South African raven(white patch on backs of necks), red-winged starlings, some ibis (albeit in a park)- everything else plus a lizard and the sound of crickets at Table Mountain, Capetown, Saff Efrika 😀