Electric car anyone?

75 watchers
Jun 2020
11:32am, 16 Jun 2020
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One thing I'm trying to get to the bottom is motability vs electric. Putting aside some of the motability complexities in a multi-child household (my 17yo is in receipt of the higher mobility level of PIP, but we've never used it for motability before), it seems that electric via motability is a fantastic deal currently.

As I read it, a Zoe new (including battery purchase) is about £27k. A well specc'd Clio is about £18k. Both are available on motability, with the costs being an up front £200 plus full £62 per week motability allowance for the Clio, and £699 plus the full £62 per week motability for the Zoe.

Given the Zoe will be inherently cheaper to run, and the "feel" of getting a £27k car for more or less the same money as an £18k car, it seems ludicrously good value to get a Zoe on that basis.

I wonder if motabilty are being encouraged to support EV ownership?

Renault themselves haven't been able to answer my query which is whether the Zoe on motability includes the battery lease costs or not. As a private buyer you can choose either to purchase the battery, or to lease it. If you lease the battery, the rough cost of purchasing the car is about £18k, then a hefty annual lease charge. So to me that £18k looks on parity with the Clio. Hence my confusion. I need to speak to someone authoritatively.

Otherwise, the best value for us would be a £7-£10K 18 month old car with some inherent value left in it in 3 years time, and then a choice at that time whether to cash in that value or continue running into the ground (as we normally do).
Jun 2020
11:46am, 16 Jun 2020
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run free
This is the one that would be amazing to own if you had to buy an electric car - fully PV - charges as you drive. But the price tag could buy you a home.... lightyear.one
Jun 2020
11:55am, 16 Jun 2020
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The engineer in me wants to look at the regs required for road vehicles when seeing expensive stuff like that. Might be something that could be put together with commodity parts, and a bit of DIY bodging!
Maybe a Sinclair C5 or a dodgem with a solar panel roof.. :)

Seriously though, it looks like a great idea to have EVs with PVs.
Jun 2020
11:55am, 16 Jun 2020
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Larks - don't forget to factor in costs of maintenance and fuel (last time I saw, it was ~2p/mi electric to ~12p/mi petrol - obviously they may have changed somewhat since I last did the maths a couple of years ago).
Jun 2020
12:39pm, 16 Jun 2020
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Yep, the last calc I saw was £8.40 for a 200 mile charge, so compared to what I'm currently paying (£36 for a 300m tankful, as I'm not an efficient driver!) that would be 1/3 the fuel costs. So for me that would be about £1000 per year saving electric vs petrol, but could be more - especially if I can use somee excess solar into the mix too.
Jun 2020
12:49pm, 16 Jun 2020
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run free
Simbil - I saw a golf car with PV roof when climbing at Red Rocks. Be good to have one available for small journeys for the elderly in a town.
Jun 2020
1:32pm, 16 Jun 2020
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Also watching with interest. Slightly different use case here - want to go electric for environment, don't do much mileage, but like my "luxury" (i.e. over priced, more than I need, pointless luxury!) car - BMW 4 series. There's an electric due out in 2021 and I'm planning on treating myself.

range 373 (maybe!)
0-60 4.0s

I like the 4 series grand coupe cos it's a glorified hatch back, so I can fit loads of stuff in it and/or passengers. :-) G
Jun 2020
1:38pm, 16 Jun 2020
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Money no object and I'd be down the tesla route tomorrow, but sadly money (and my better half's opinion on the value of money spent on cars!) gets in the way!

Just spend an interesting 20mins or so looking at range vs temperature and speed. Vauxhall have a nice little slider where you can increase the journey speed, change outdoor temps, see different charging setups etc. Quite surprising how big the impact of temperature changes into winter can have - 50mph avg, 25degC = 191 miles, 0degC = 162 miles, increase the speed to 70mph in 0degC and its down to 113 miles. Still plenty to get to and from work, and to be honest my trusty panda varies between 280 and 320 miles on a full tank depending on the season, but that's quite a drop, and a change in the price per mile too of course at a time when even those with solar panels wouldn't be getting any free electricity to charge up the car.

How do charging points work when out and about? Do you have to be a member of a certain "brand" of charging point, or is it just PAYG after putting in credit card details etc via an app etc?
Jun 2020
1:52pm, 16 Jun 2020
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I mostly don't have to do long journeys, just commute 10 miles to the train station for work. Weekends is to local running spots and races. Plus occasional supermarket shop. Pretty minimal requirements.

I was wondering about whether all charging types are "compatible" and are some faster and how do you pay? :-) G
Jun 2020
1:56pm, 16 Jun 2020
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Interesting thread, we have started looking at options on this, like Larks I'd go Tesla if it was that simple. I won't drive a beemer EVER but looks like the next 18 months will have nearly every major brand with a 300 or so mile option vehicle.

Exciting times indeed

About This Thread

Maintained by larkim
Nattering about EVs; are you thinking about owning one? Do you own one? Are you terrified of owning one?

A thread for those with range anxiety, eco friendliness and petrol heads alike!

Some current vehicles that Fetchies have:-
Dobbers Tesla Model 3 LR (Dec 2020) 72kWh 290mile range

HappyG Hyundai Kona 64kWh 240-280 miles range
larkim MG4 SE LR 61.7kWh usable (64kWh advertised)
larkim (Now sold) Peugeot e208 46kWh usable (50kWh advertised) 180-220 miles range
ThorntonRunner Pre-facelift MG5 (LR Exclusive). 61kWh, 57kWh usable
Jenelopy BYD Atto 60.5kWh usable
Runningbear21 Jaguar i-Pace 84.7kWh

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