Devil o' the Highlands

46 watchers
Dec 2014
5:41pm, 7 Dec 2014
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K5 Gus
What's the limit been the last few years Duchess, do you know ? I'm guessing 200-250 ?

If it's been less than that, and one of the reasons for a low limit was the support cars, then you could argue that it could maybe be increased a bit since a lot less cars now.
Dec 2014
5:51pm, 7 Dec 2014
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The limit's been a measly 150.

Just ban ALL support 100% and let the runners enter in good numbers. 500, 1,000, what's the problem? You don't need any support for just 42 miles in August. Couple of sweepers and other helpers along the Way will see it right. Why turn runners down needlessly if they want to run one of the nicest routes in the world?

These are just my thoughts :-)
Dec 2014
5:55pm, 7 Dec 2014
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For some reason I thought it was 150 previously but I couldn't swear to it. I agree with you totally that removing the mandatory support car will allow the race numbers to be increased but it's going to take time to work out how much.
Dec 2014
6:00pm, 7 Dec 2014
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Then they can go and run it as a nice training day whenever they feel like it. You cannot put 500, 1000 runners onto a public path in the height of summer without damaging either the path or the experience of the rest of the world who's out enjoying it.

At some point I'm going to do the maths for the ratio of "race helpers" to runners for any of the ultras I'm involved in. You're a labour intensive bunch, you know.
Dec 2014
6:08pm, 7 Dec 2014
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K5 Gus
I'd agree totally about the impact on other WHW users. Have only done the Fling relay so far, but even then felt a bit guilty for all the walkers stepping off the path to let the runners thru, must have got a bit wearing, and that was before the recent huge Fling increase. 200 first year, rising to 250 in subsequent years sounds like it might be reasonable sort of limit
Dec 2014
6:16pm, 7 Dec 2014
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Are you suggesting I'm high maintenance Duchess - haha!

The great thing about this race coming under the "SUMS family" umbrella now is that lots of long-suffering regular marshals and ultra runners not running the race will come along and help. I know it's a huge amount of effort for you, but it does create a great buzz and adds massively to the safety and smooth running of the race.

And makes for a great after-party :-)
Dec 2014
6:45pm, 7 Dec 2014
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A quick look back says there were around 35 people in the team for Glen Ogle. That's a point to point no-frills event where we all know what we're doing and have done it for a few years -and it was still a few less than we needed for 200+ runners.

The current DotH crew are mostly exclusive to that event so I'd guess it's going to be a completely new team for 2015 including RD. I don't doubt JF will have plenty of volunteers but they'll need time to "learn" the event.
Dec 2014
6:54pm, 7 Dec 2014
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It's only one day out of 365, and dare I suggest 500 pairs of feet cause less damage than a mountain bike?
Dec 2014
7:10pm, 7 Dec 2014
165 posts
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Was the Devil usually 120-140 or thereabouts?

The simple changes John has already announced for year one will make a big difference to the race and then we just have to wait and see what sort of direction he decides to take it in.

The numbers thing has come up a few times in conversations with other runners since the announcement and an interesting view from a few of them was that they hoped it wouldn't become "massive" because they think it does change the whole feel of an event and they mentioned The Fling specifically as one which they'd been running for years but preferred it when it was a smaller field.

Each to their own I guess!

The Devil may be in August but you don't have any single long sections where there would be a big impact on other users of the WHW like the loch side. There's a few wee sections of single track but they're not that long.

I love the route and can't wait to see what he does with the race.
Dec 2014
9:45pm, 7 Dec 2014
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Hear, hear.
Whichever direction he takes it in, we all know it will be vertically upwards from previous years. Guess it's one of the few perks of being an RD: you get to make these decisions.

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
What are other folk doing about the back-up requirements?
You must have a back-up vehicle (car, 4x4 if you have one (not required though!!)...
Who fancies a fantastic day out in the beautiful North West of Scotland on the legendary West Highland Way, supporting the lovely Sophster? Team of 2 would be best: a driver/sandwich maker and a runner/Muller rice opener. Eternal gratitude, fetchie fame and gold and jewels will be yours. (*)

It's Sat 7 August. Come on Fetchland.

* I may have lied about the gold and jewels

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