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Cricket Thread

1 lurker | 108 watchers
Nov 2021
12:49pm, 16 Nov 2021
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I don't like this "oh it was the bad old days" stuff. People knew what was right and wrong, they just didn't care. We can't pretend that 20 years ago people were uncivilised brutes who didn't know better but we've all come a long way now and it's all in the past. Nothing much has changed, plenty of people still say the same sort of things, some of the words might have gone out of fashion but the attitudes remain.
Nov 2021
2:25pm, 16 Nov 2021
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Oscar the Grouch
Pleased with Somerset's response to Jack Brooks allegations, but... the proof of the pudding is in the eating:
Nov 2021
11:38am, 17 Nov 2021
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Ocelot Spleens
The most iawful thing Rafiq talked about, quite apart from the reaction to the news of his stillborn son, and kept saying was it is not people, not personalities (I read that as you are always going to get people saying stuff that is awful), what was worst was the institution, but not just YCCC. He took is case to the PCA, got no help, he took it too his cricket manager, YCCC had a mechanism in place, as all counties do, for just this sort of event and complaint, and got nothing. In fact the club then basically tried to smear Rafiq, he also went on to say it doesn't matter that the ECB spends loads of cash initiatives if they don't work or are not used, basically the whole caboodle is a sham.

It is a very long road for cricket from here. Cricket hasn't even started.
Nov 2021
12:15pm, 17 Nov 2021
21,238 posts
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It was pretty grim reading last night about what he said.
Nov 2021
12:24pm, 17 Nov 2021
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Yes OS that was grim for the game as a whole.

Bit that got me, emotionally, was Rafiq taking time off to mourn his stillborn son - returns to work - anyone would be fragile, nervous - wanting some empathy and understanding.

Moxon took him into a room and tore him off a strip. Not sure what the reason was - taking the time off? Having started the grievance process re racism at the club? Now I note the big brave tough Moxon is lying low 'off with a stress related illness', rather than facing the music, and letting others cop the flak/scrutiny.
Nov 2021
12:42pm, 17 Nov 2021
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Ocelot Spleens
I was watching when the bit about Moxon came up, I can't understand what the flipping hell he was doing, other than he hadn't listened too Rafiq for a split second.
Nov 2021
12:44pm, 17 Nov 2021
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B Rubble
Is Hoggard the only one who has apologised to Rafiq? All of the others seem to have denied, disappeared and/or dashed to their lawyers.
Nov 2021
12:52pm, 17 Nov 2021
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The way I understood it was that Hoggard was the only one who had contacted him to make a personal apology rather than issuing a general PR apology after being named, but I may be misinterpreting.
Nov 2021
2:22pm, 17 Nov 2021
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Oscar the Grouch
I'm a bit torn on that. I suppose what I would say, is... better man Hoggard for phoning and fronting up, rather than issuing a statement and bigger man Azeem Rafiq for accepting the apology.

I'm torn in as much as, Hoggard should have known that this wasn't ok on any level. People are often less aware of the consequences of their actions than they should be.

Nonetheless, I'm disappointed in Hoggard, whom I had always held in high regard.
Nov 2021
6:42am, 18 Nov 2021
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B Rubble
I’m the same OtG. Although Hoggards behaviour and things he said were vile, he has redeemed himself slightly by apologising properly and not lawyering up.

In order to move forward everybody needs to admit their mistakes, apologise and ensure it never happens again. Rafiq should also get some hefty compensation from YCCC.

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