Jan 2021
10:02am, 2 Jan 2021
1,838 posts
They are given a card saying which one they had. It shouldn't be that hard to keep hold of it surely?
Jan 2021
10:06am, 2 Jan 2021
4,276 posts
K5 Gus
But on their medical records as well surely ? Elderly people with dementia etc will easily lose a card - I know my parents would
Jan 2021
10:26am, 2 Jan 2021
9,054 posts
GG. I work in the nhs and don't know my own bloody nhs number which I need to book my jab. People often don't know what their medications are called properly (they are not easy words to learn) , and the elderly, vulnerable and other high priority groups are going to be the ones who really struggle with learning that.
Also the idea of a "medical record" as one thing is a million miles from the reality of how data are held.
Jan 2021
10:38am, 2 Jan 2021
56,279 posts
All vaccinations are logged on a system called NIVS and linked to the patient’s NHS number. The patient’s ID is doubled-checked on entry. If the patient doesn’t have their NHS number it is located on the Spine, the central NHS system.
NIVS records the details of the manufacture and batch, the date given, and site where the vaccination was given. The card is given out for patient information but it can also be recovered if needed.
I can’t speak for other vaccination hubs, but I’ve been working doing the above at the hospital where I normally work, and we’ve had nothing but praise and compliments about how well it’s organised.
Jan 2021
10:40am, 2 Jan 2021
56,280 posts
[site as in left arm, right arm, etc. but also the centre where the vaccine was given]
Jan 2021
11:48am, 2 Jan 2021
9,155 posts
Flu vaccine was offered to 30 million this autumn, it shouldn't require massive upheavals to do something similar for covid. 15 million if you count two injections. It's still several million a month.
Jan 2021
11:51am, 2 Jan 2021
606 posts
forest plodder
That prompted me to try and locate my NHS number. Haven't had any GP letters or anything with it on. I logged in to my Patient Access account, and looked at my profile - email yes, mobile phone yes, NHS number, not a sign. Having looked at vaccination records, prescriptions and other options to no avail, I finally got there by selecting export my records! Now safely recorded in case I actually need it.
Jan 2021
11:56am, 2 Jan 2021
19,124 posts
I have cards for my husband and me which were given to us when we registered with our GP practice 26 years ago. They live in the same tin as passports and birth certificates. I still have the offspring's red books with their weight and immunisation records and their NHS numbers too. The scouts always wanted NHS numbers and latest tetanus jab for the health form thingies we had to fill in for camps, so I needed to keep the info.
Jan 2021
12:04pm, 2 Jan 2021
9,055 posts
I'm going to look through our tin of doom later.
That record system actually sounds good. My trust have said I can't book my jab without my nhs no. I haven't seen GP on my own behalf for 7 years! I've never got round to registering for online access for that reason.
Jan 2021
12:19pm, 2 Jan 2021
56,287 posts
Lf, we can find you if you don’t have it, it just makes it much easier and quicker for us admin people if you can come with it. You can ring your gp practice and ask them. It should also be on any hospital letters you might have.