Coronavirus discussion thread

1 lurker | 136 watchers
Feb 2021
6:42pm, 7 Feb 2021
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Too Much Water
Anti mask seems a bit like being anti-seatbelt, or perhaps anti-parachute.
Feb 2021
7:23pm, 7 Feb 2021
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I haven’t told my seat belt thing in a while. Accidents went up with them as people drove faster and felt safer but fatalities went down.
Feb 2021
7:59pm, 7 Feb 2021
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Tim of Fife
Lip Gloss

Just little old me out walk in biting cold, wind and snow. So, buff only protected me. I'd not normally wear a face coveting outside, although some people do
Feb 2021
8:08pm, 7 Feb 2021
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MarkyMarkMark (3M)
Shall we talk about cycle helmets too? At least the statistics are more ambiguous. And just like face masks, if you wear them wrongly they're neither use nor ornament!
Feb 2021
8:32pm, 7 Feb 2021
164 posts
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The relationship between cycle helmets and serious head injuries is really complicated with confounding evidence, as with ski helmets. The latter really visibly changes behaviour when people wear them, particularly beginners showing much risk aversion than their competence level would suggest.

Perhaps true with masks, I've seen a worrying lack of social distancing in some spaces where they are worn.
Feb 2021
8:34pm, 7 Feb 2021
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K5 Gus
Worrying news regards the Oxford AZ vaccine - only 10% efficacy against the SA strain. That OX professor who was on Andrew Marr this morning must have had a very good indication of these figures........

Gotta hope the SA strain doesn't become dominant here, otherwise all those millions of people that have been jabbed with the AZ vaccine have little defense :-(

Anyone know what %age roughly of people are getting AZ and what %age Pfizer ?
Feb 2021
8:54pm, 7 Feb 2021
21,960 posts
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On the news report I heard, 10% protection against very mild infection, but much higher protection against severe infection. So more indication on the lines of just because you have been jabbed, you can't then waft gaily about as if everything is now tickety-boo.

Also with the caveat of limited numbers and more research required.
Feb 2021
9:02pm, 7 Feb 2021
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Regarding cycle helmets which are mandatory when cycling in Canada, my daughter who had just learnt to cycle went over handlebars, one smashed helmet, two nights in hospital and numberous visits to the dentist but that helmet saved her from a serious brain injury and so thankful.
Feb 2021
9:03pm, 7 Feb 2021
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AZ still protects effectively against hospitalisation and death though despite the adverse findings, doesn’t it? If that’s true, then who cares if people get a bad cold or are confined to bed with flu vs the current threat of death, surely?
Feb 2021
9:03pm, 7 Feb 2021
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Johnny Blaze
I can't see anything on Pfizer volumes. However, the scientists are apparently saying a new AZ shot will be available for the SA variant by the Autumn. I suppose that's similar in a way to the new flu variant vaccines that get produced?
Presumably if you have had covid already or if you have had the AZ vaccine then neither of those things protects you much from the SA variant? And could one vaccine cover both existing covid and the SA covid? Lots of questions, but it isn't great news really.

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