Dec 2012
11:50am, 12 Dec 2012
1,438 posts
baz p
just a site recommendation that i quite like on
when you upload a training run/cycle to strava you are automatically added to different "segments" that have been created by other athletes. these segments are sections that have been created along different routes to give an added challenge when out and about. these segments can be hill runs (up or down), sprints, or full routes. anything. the segments are created by any registered member of the site, and all segments are pin pointed on a local area map, obviously linked into your postcode when you register.
Anyway, not sure if this makes sense. good leaderboards, filtered by all/male/female/age/weight. worth a look, and possibly something that could be added to Fetch?
i'll head back to my cave.
Dec 2012
12:13pm, 12 Dec 2012
4,375 posts
Big Alleluia Widepants
looks good
Dec 2012
12:51pm, 12 Dec 2012
145 posts
It's quite fun, but I don't realy have a problem with uploading to both here and strava. I use this as my main training log as it offers far more ways to analyse than other logs I've seen, and just upload my runs to strava once a week with no real other data filling to make use of the segment fun.
Dec 2012
12:54pm, 12 Dec 2012
10,731 posts
Yorkshire Mince Pie
My view - if you want to something that does what strava does, go and use Strava. I can imagine that it would take a fair amount of work and computer power to replicate something that's already out there (not to mention the risk that they start jumping up and down about people copying it).
Dec 2012
2:22pm, 12 Dec 2012
1,439 posts
baz p
yeah but do people want to start uploading to two sites...rather than just one? it might be fun for fetch to have its own..just a thought.
Dec 2012
6:37pm, 13 Dec 2012
3,565 posts
Yorkshire mine pie, I have to disagree here
I have used fetch from teh early days - before there was a forum and I guess from your user number, you've been around a while too.
fetch has been extremely receptive to the communities input and suggestions in the past. That strava fetaure is cool but it can't be their unique selling point - it uses one of the mapping APIs - google / bing who ever.
Dec 2012
9:18pm, 13 Dec 2012
12,140 posts
For the record, I don't visit other running log websites
Dec 2012
8:44am, 14 Dec 2012
1,441 posts
baz p
worth a wee looky tho
Dec 2012
4:16pm, 15 Dec 2012
64,327 posts
snow way
May 2014
11:34am, 29 May 2014
687 posts
Gasping 4 breath
thought would resurrect this thread
I've been told that the strava app is more accurate than other running apps. (I don't have a Garmin) I use my phone and Runkeeper app to export my runs to fetch.
Anyone got any knowledge of strava the app?
looking for advice- is it worth me changing over to strava from runkeeper? can I export my runs to fetch via GPX or something similar ?
Im happy with fetch as I've used it forever, but not being a techie, the running app side and mapping runs and exporting them direct saves me a lot of time, its going well with runkeeper, but now and then the app throws a wobbly, and I get duff data from that run, so I have to end up manually logging that run.
I'm looking for your experiences with these apps/sites and seeing if its worth the effort of switching, thanks.